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no choice

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does anyone think that the way things have played out at one bills drive the past week left mm no choice but to call it quits? Everyone knows that Ralph hates to pay someone if he is not working so that is one of the main reasons he kept MM on the staff. So instead he fired most of the assistants and brought in Levy to looK after things and "help" MM if needed.


This was a no win situation for MM and would always be looking over his shoulder wondering if Levy would have done it differently. A couple losses next season and fans would be calling for Levy to take over. So instead he quits now ans walks away and Ralph gets what I think he wanted all along. He will not have to pay MM the remaining money left on his contract.


I for one did not want to see MM here next season and the talk about Ralph and Levy trying to talk him into staying was just that.. talk. In my opinion they probably had a short list prepared of HC candidates if this happpened. Why is espn reporting that Haslett and Sherman are on the short list already. Its been about 4 or 5 hours only.


Goodbye MM - you will return as a coordinator somewhere and probably do well but you are not a good headcoach.


Hopefully Ralp will not consider Ted C as our next head coach. Although a sentimental favorite around here and his ties to Levy in the 90's he is not a head coach and would need on the job training. No thanks. DC well thats another story but Im guessing who we hire would want to bring in his own guys.

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