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Playoff Stock Market Game


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This is a game to buy and sell shares of NFL stock, with the goal of making the most money....



Whose stock are you buying?




Each team has a price set for it - based on their performance over the regular season. You may purchase as many shares as you'd like - we won't be doing "trades" per se like we did in the regular season. Each Player will have $150 to spend on shares.


Anyone may join, whether you played in the regular season or not. You can get into the market with your $150 at any time by sending me a PM. Prices will fluctuate based on teams performances in the Playoffs.


Because we don't have "trading", I will adjust each shares price each weekday based on it's activity - so that shares getting bought will go up in price while those not getting bought will go down.


Because this is the playoffs, and winning is everything... Wild Card games are worth $5 (+5 for win, -5 for loss), Division Games are worth $10, Championship games will be worth $15, and the superbowl will be worth $20 a share.


So, this will obviously get to be all about picking good teams. There will be no selling of shares once bought, but if you have reserves, you may additional shares - once the initial buy period is over, there will be 1/2 share per player available for each team in additional buys.


Other Rules:


No partial shares will be allowed.

All share prices will be whole dollars (I will round up any fractions).

Any money not spent on shares is held in your "reserves".

Reserves do not get interest.

There are no taxes.

There are no capital gains.

Just like Wall Street, the prices I list for teams will be the last traded price. If a teams shares aren't all owned their prices will fluctuate based on performance.

A win by a team generates a dividend/share going to your reserves.

A loss by a team nets a loss/share from your reserves - if you have negative reserves you will have to sell a share of something to pay on Monday.

Dividends and losses are only paid/charged for shares owned prior to the game.


Data Updates:


Each Monday, before opening, I will post what each share last traded for.

Each Monday, I will show how much $ each player has, and their shares owned.


We'll see who has the most money at the end of the playoffs.


Any Questions? PM me your orders for actual shares by Friday.


As I stated, there are initially no limits on shares available - unlike the regular season - next Monday there will only be shares available = 1/2 of the # of players.


Opening Prices:


I based these prices on $10/share + w/l ratio (i.e. Indy was 14-2, so they get +12 and cost $22)


Team - Price


Team Price

Carolina $16

Chicago $16

Cincinnati $16

Denver $20

Indianapolis $22

Jacksonville $18

New England $14

NY Giants $16

Pittsburgh $16

Seattle $20

Tampa Bay $16

Washington $14


Good Luck! I am be offering a $25 prize to the victor.


PS: If you played the regular season game, read the rules - they have changed for the playoffs.

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As an fyi... I'm opening up this game to members of another board I frequent... a gaming board www.casualplayers.org... I'm hoping to get more players for this than the regular season. Also, I am participating again, but I can't win my own prize - it's just for fun.

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As an fyi...  I'm opening up this game to members of another board I frequent...  a gaming board www.casualplayers.org...  I'm hoping to get more players for this than the regular season.  Also, I am participating again, but I can't win my own prize - it's just for fun.



What's your cut? :D

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I posted them earlier...  probably on page 2 by now...


As far as my cut...  I don't get a cut...  this is all fake $....  I think some folks think I am really running an exchange...  B-)


You mean I don't own part of Carolina, Indy...etc.... :D

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No, but the beauty is you can buy them all over again... and with $150... the prices did jump up though... I figured it was better to make them all more "standard"... If I'd have started every team off at $10 and had no trades, that would have been their values... (assuming no trades which alter values otherwise)


Tomorrow, there will be some adjustments to prices, based on activity from today. I didn't get a whole lot of action, but I did pick up some users from the other board...


And, since there are no ***trades*** between players, I will only be posting the # of shares owned with prices, and not include the owners of shares.


EDIT - After posting this, I wanted to compare final prices to the new prices - and they actually fell - due to heavy overvaluation on NE... at least based on how they fared w/l wise.... comparing the prices - 1 share of each would have been $220 at seasons end, and for the playoffs only $204... they did level off a lot though... mostly the Giants which were still a bargain at seasons end for only $9 and Wash was only $7...

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As today's "business day" is over.... here are the prices for Tomorrow.


Team - Price - Shares Owned - Change in Price


Carolina $15 0 -1

Chicago $16 3 0

Cincinnati $17 9 1

Denver $20 4 0

Indianapolis $21 2 -1

Jacksonville $17 0 -1

New England $17 22 3

NY Giants $15 0 -1

Pittsburgh $16 5 0

Seattle $20 7 0

Tampa Bay $15 0 -1

Washington $15 12 1


The change in price is based entirely on orders - heavilly sought after shares like NE are rising quickly, while those not getting any or little action are falling... The formula is consistent and is based on the number of standard deviations off from the average the activity is/was.


Next year, this is how I'll be running the regular season game too. Rather than doing that seperate one to gauge interest... I lost a few players from that confusion...

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OK, Here are the prices that matter (the teams remaining)...


I got a mere 10 players, so there are 5 shares of each team remaining for purchase. Dividends were $5 for each winner and a loss of $5 for each loser... This week they are $10.


Carolina $20

Chicago $16

Denver $20

Indianapolis $22

New England $21

Pittsburgh $21

Seattle $20

Washington $20


Here are the scores - keep in mind some of these players are from a different board... The score is your stock value + your reserves - the initial $150.


Name - (Board) - Score - Reserves


TomB (CPA) $120 $60

fezmid (TBD) $114 $60

Mooseman (TBD) $76 $39

DarthFerret (CPA) $60 $25

edemup (TBD) $60 $42

billsfanintx (TBD) $55 $25

JasoninMT (TBD) $21 $18 (I can't win - this is just for fun)

sfladave1 (TBD) $7 $3

Spiderman (CPA) -$21 -$10

canadian bill (TBD) -$90 -$39


Unlike the Regular Season, I'm not making you bring reserves positive... Negative reserves just means you won't be buying this week. And there is no selling either - some players are done, but if some bizarre fluke happens, we could certainly have all players in the negatives... You may spend your reserves for more shares - again only 5 shares remain of each stock... If I get more players I will add more (1 share per 2 players)

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So we don't own the stocks that we purchased last week? We have to buy again with our money? Or do we still own those (cos I don't see it listed as to what I own, for example).


BTW - First place on TSW! :doh:



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You still own what you owned last week....  I just wasn't bothering to post who owned what...  since there's no actual trading going on as I did in the Regular Season.


Phew! That would have blown my whole strategy.

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So we don't own the stocks that we purchased last week?  We have to buy again with our money?  Or do we still own those (cos I don't see it listed as to what I own, for example).


BTW - First place on TSW! :doh:




All fine and dandy until NE loses and Indy wins the SB....I hope! :lol:

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It hadn't quite sunk in initially how much winning games matters in this format.... you can certainly hedge your bets, but it negates your successes... I have all my shares still in the playoffs, but I won't after this week - and those losses will hurt - especially if the team I thought would win loses... Not as much as it will if some others lose their team/teams...


If the purchasing of these stocks is any indicator - it will be Wash vs NE in the SB with NE winning. I'm hoping for Bears vs Colts myself...

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