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This is absolutely insane ...

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... I simply can not believe how ridiculous you guys are. The board is flooded with messages of how everyone but a select few need to be fired. Donahoe needs to go, Mularkey needs to go ... etc. I just want to ask a few questions.


1. If we let Nate Clements, Lawyer Milloy, and Troy Vincent leave we will have more money. No doubt. But with that money, will we be able to sign players who are equal to their calibur? I just dont think so. I personally believe Nate Clements is a good player. He will have a bad game here or there. That just happens to the best of NFL players. But if we do let him go, there is a chance (a very GOOD chance) that we will get another CB who is reallll bad. I still wish we didnt let Antoine Winfield go to Minnesota.


2. If we cut Mularkey, who will we hire? Do we promote Jerry Gray? Oh wait. Many on here want to fire him now ... even though he has brought us through 2 straight years of a top 3 defense. But - one bad year and he is gone!!! So who do we hire? Tell me! Who is it?


PS> everyone seems to think if we let Donahoe go, everything will get better ... i can only laugh at those people ... sorry


3. Moulds. I dont think I can get started on Moulds. Moulds is one of those guys that I believe has red/white/blue, Bills blood pulsing through his veins and he wants to win and bring a Lombardi Trophy back to Buffalo. But because he is slightly slower and coming off of a mere 88 reception season, he must go ... so we may have the chance to sign lineman that MAY have an impact ... or may not.


But hey ... i guess you are all right. If we get rid off Clements, Milloy, Vincent, Mike Williams, Bennie Anderson, Eric Moulds, Tom Donahoe and Mike Mularkey, we will be a 10x better team ...





I agree with a lot of what you said. Lots of the talk today is emotion. Man, people are damn sick of watching their team suck donkey ass. The further away the game gets, the more I realize that firing everyone isn't the answer. We've got some talented guys on our team. The only person I can really see a lot of fault in is the coach right now.


I disagree on your Jerry Gray comment, though. If you'll remember, our D really sucked prior to Dick LeBeau's stint with us. When he came on board, we got much better. I kinda thought this might happen when he left us in favor of Pitt. I think Jerry's been riding the Dick LeBeau wave and it's about over with. Hell, Dick was Mike Mularkey's first choice when it came to defensive coordinator if I remember correctly, but he declined in favor of being closer to family.


No one goes now. It's pointless. It's not like firing anyone is going to save our season. The season is almost through and we're all but mathematically done. No point in doing anything stupid now.


Let the season come to an end. See who opens up in terms of GM candidates and coaching candidates. If someone is open that would be a drastic improvement over the current regime, pull the trigger. Swapping just because we're all pissed off isn't going to help.


I think.


Hell if I know.


I just want 'em to win.

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We lose those guys...what are we 2 wins worse? Big freaking deal - scrap this team and build a new one...this model does not work..God forbid your Moulds jersey was irrelavent...Keep acepting the crap they are serving and get what you deserve...

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