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Mike Gandy considered for Pro Bowl??

Orton's Arm

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I was responding to a poster who implied that Miami, the Jets, and NE have average to lousy lines and average to lousy offensive tackles.

Gotcha. But I believe that the poster was referring to who the Pats have NOW as their starting tackles. Light has been out of commission since week 3.


And FTR, I'd take Light over Gandy, but I'm curious to see what Gandy can do with a better LG next to him, because I SURE love Gandy's pricetag. Pace would be ideal, but again it's the money thing.

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Your post, though depressing, rings true. It's too bad that at least in some circles, a player like Gandy is getting credit for yards which McGahee has generated largely on his own. I mean, it's not like Buffalo is another Denver. You could put a monkey behind Denver's line and he'd rush for over 1000 yards.



As Denver proves damn near every year.

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Yeah, but Gandy's "below average." :huh:


Rian Lindell also made that list. :)


How McGee didn't make "return specialist" thought makes me wonder about the list.



isn't he the league leader?


that would be like leaving manning off the list last year.

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This looks like a list for people who weren't considered pro bowl types a few weeks back but have emerged as of late. McGee is known as the best return man in the league so thats why he is not on there. Gandy surprises me, but he might be getting some props around the league for huis play who knows.

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Every starter from every team is always o the Pro Bowl ballot.  It doesn't he is a consideration, it just means that he is on the ballot and that the fans can vote fro him.  We can also vote for terrell Owens and dante cullpepper, and they are done for the season.


Yeah, but that guy's list didn't include every player or every starter in the league. Only the guys who hadn't been to the Pro Bowl last year, but whom he felt deserved consideration for this year. There's no way Mike Gandy should be on that list.

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