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spoiled boston


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We actually do OK up here in Boston - the Bill Backers chapter in Boston is big and going strong - on any given game day we have a few hundred people watching the game.


Now if we could only find a way to avoid having to interact with local Pats fans on Mondays, particularly this upcoming Monday....


Oy if the Bills lose Sunday (and I suspect they will), this is going to be a miserable week 'round these parts.

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how come they didnt say much about the White Sox waiting so long for a championship but when the red sox did it they made such a big deal of it?


i think the white sox even waited longer


Probably because the Boston fans made such a big deal about why they nevber won, and always complained about losing to the Yankees. Plus the White Sox were considered the second team in the second city. Its funny saying that now! At least we don't have to hear the Red Sox fans B word all the time anymore!!

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The problem is that the White Sox won the year after Boston did.  The "long time losers finally winning one" story is old at this point.



It's amazing how this thread is an excuse the bash other fans, the media, etc. Was a simple and reasonable question, answered right on the head in the 6th post. 'Nuff said.

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It was that whole curse of the bambino bullsh-t. The media in New England would hype a new brand of ketchup at Fenway if they got their hands on the story. Worst fans in the world. When their teams are doing well, they're all "woo, we rule! woooooo!" and wearing uniforms and putting decals on their cars.


When they are not winning, they turn tail and disappear. You couldn't find a Pats fan around here (New Hampshire) willing to show their team colors five years ago. They all were crying in their Narragansetts and whining about how the logo looked like Elvis.

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Boston fans are the definition of "fairweather."  They can't be bothered with a loser, and to them a loser is a team that doesn't get to at least the finals.  They make a big deal aboout being loyal to the Red Sox but the Sox were in the playoffs almost every year.  They only started selling out every game at Fenway in the last 5-6 years.


Even after winning 3 Super Bowls, the Patriots still come after the Red Sox, even in the off-season.  Bruins? Celtics?  Are they still around?  They barely get mentioned on sports radio.


The only thing I will say about Boston sports fans is that they have a lot of cash, and they gladly pay rip-off prices to watch their teams.  Is that loyalty, or stupidity?




Spoiled, yeah its been nice..... :doh:

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