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I sure hope Bills & TKO take notice...

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I really hope (and would obviously expect) that the Bills and TKO will not make the same mistakes that the Jets did with Pennington. From most accounts, it seems like they downplayed the severity of the injury last year and Chad continued to play troughout the playoffs (and probably cause more damage). Also, it seems like maybe they let Chad's competitive spirit get the best of him and get back in there too early. If I remember correctly, he didn't even start throwing until sometime in camp, then was playing against NFL competition a few weeks later. I know TKO is a warrior and will agressively rehab this injury and want to get back out on the field as soon as he can next year. I just hope that they are smart and have patience about the situation. As much as it stinks, I'd rather have TKO back halfway through next season than rush him back for training camp and have a repeat injury. I mean Pennington's career is quite possibly over and it seems like mis-management of his initial injury may be to blame. It'd be a shame to have the same thing happen to TKO who like Pennington, is an all around stand up guy. He exemplifies everything I want to see in a player on my favorite team: heart, intensity, accountability, and genuine love for the game and fans. Here's to a full recovery for TKO!

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