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On the post game radio show, they were commenting on who would have kept this ball since it was Peter's first TD and JP's first TD pass......A moot issue since the ball went into the stands...


Did anyone else see JP toss the ball into the stands at the end of the game after he was finished with his interviews.....???


Picking nits time! Peters first offensive touchdown. He now has one on special teams recovering his own blocked punt, plus one catch.


I think his next TD will come after he's inserted in the D-line. Ala big Sam, he'll swat the ball up in the air, gather it in and then rumble 58 yards for a TD. I hear he's returning punts this weekend, so he could get one there as well.

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Gus, wall.



Sorry, shoulda through [sic] in the "Universal Darin Smiley" in with that wink...I knew I'd get someone...though I forgot it was the wall... :devil:


I remember hearing Tasker on WNSA (sigh) once lamenting how people confused him with others on the team all the time, either asking him what it was like wearing that weird helmet, or congratulating him for stripping the ball from Leon Lett in the Super Bowl... :devil:

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