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What about da Bears?

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A long, long time ago I heard about these Bears. Now I don't see hide nor hair of 'em. What, are they in hibernation? Wake them up and crash this slumber party. Travis has got to go, got to go!


Picks are great but positions ain't bad neither. Forget Philly, who is trying to milk us. And Tampa? Tell them to kiss us where the sun don't shine. That little freckled face Chuckie thinks he's slick. He's got more pokers in the fire than a cattle drive. We're not plan B to nobody! I hope Arizona's version of Fat Albert lands up with nothing. He thinks that we're gonna come crawling? Forget about it! You get nothing. So, this leads me to the Bears. Let's help a brother out (and our selves).


The Bears have picks in the 2nd rd (#39-7th in the rd) and the 4th rd (#106-5th in the rd). The Bills have picks in the 2nd rd (#55-23rd in the rd) and in the 4th rd (#122-21st in the rd). Flip flop our picks in both rds and give them Henry. We move up 16 slots in BOTH rds and we keep our 3rd rder. Good enough for me. Get 'er done!

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