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3 preseason games : Everything Ailing the Bills & Solutions

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1. Tyrod Taylor: Following his game 2 dud, enters concussion protocol after 7 snaps in Game 3. Yates too. Solution: Nate, of course though how is he gonna practice against first, second and third teams? Clearly need to sign a QB. Or maybe, Logan Thomas can play QB in an emergency!


2. Offensive line: horrible protection and stupid penalties. Solution: pray Cordy is back soon.


3. Defensive Line: Nothing much wrong. Pray Dareus has his head on straight. Pray Adolphus is not too badly dinged.


Bottomline: We are not really that good to not be badly affected when Dareus, Cordy and Taylor sit down - they are our top 3 cap hits. I dont think any team in the league can have decent hopes when a fifth of their active cap hits are not playing!!


4. RB / FB: not much bad here, though not as spectacular as last year. - but hope Williams does well and cut down on the OL penalties.


4. WR / TE: Underwhelming play so far. Reasons: Poor QB play, poor OL protection. low talent level, injuries and drops. Solution: Can Nate be the saviour? Cordy coming back, Jordan Matthews and Streator returning from injuries and of course, super glue.


5. LBs: Nothing wrong here.


6. Secondary: solid but not spectacular.


7. Special Teams - Kicking: Nothing wrong here.


8. Special Teams - Coverage: Penalties, poor decision-making. Solution: light a fire under Crossman.

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