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Great Leaders


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I remember back to the day Rex was Hired and thought to myself that the first decision he makes will tell me what he is all about, and I could not have been more right!


If Rex was a great coach and leader the first call he would have made was to keep Schwartz, he should of asked to speak with Jim before accepting the job. We had the number #2 difference in the league no reason to do anything accept resign everyone and extend Schwartz.


He should have made Jim feel comfortable that he was still the man on Defense because of what he was doing and if it broke down at any time then step in, the coaching on D was top notch, instead he tells the guy we are going to make changes and I really believe Schwartz did not want to be attached to another failed attempt by Rex. We should have drafted a kick butt O line and signed some o-line players, not go after Shady or draft a running back or QB until we could keep him upright, once you have the O line as the Jets proved last night you can make and old man and second rate QB look like Tom Brady.


So we bring a side show to coach, then we let the side show destroy the #2 defense and finally let the side show bring in his brother who has been fired from everywhere he has been and further destroy the team.


I am speaking from experience, look around see what you already have, get what you don't, reward those that are bringing you results and remove those who are not. Rex turned a good hiring of Greg Roman into a pedestrian like coach buy focusing on defense when that was not the issue they wasted valuable picks on defense when they needed a O-line. They failed to give Roman the tools, and the freedom to fix and lead the offense a couple good moves here and there by Rex followed up by some very bad ones, trading for shady among the worst and signing Taylor among the best and then finally the for me the nail in the casket came with the signing of his brother.


I am struggling to understand what a successful man like Pegula is doing by allowing the side show to get worse, or just maybe Pegula told his top people to allow Rex to let the rope out a bit and see what he does with his brother. I want to believe that Terry is allowing Rex to tighten the rope himself after seeing the disaster this type of loud mouth can create, Rex and Whaley have set this franchise back another 5 years. Yes we lost some good players on Defense due to injury like Shaq and Reggie, but it was not me that drafted a kid with a Bum shoulder, Reggie was bad luck but Shaq was just another sign and confirmation of how inept this group is, the worst was resting your success on a #2 draft pick.


As I surmise this morning about how to get the 3+ hours I wasted last night watching this train wreck I realize that the real winners of Rex and his side show were, Schwartz, Fred Jackson, Mario Williams, kiko for getting off or being kicked off the Titanic before it sinks. That means the real losers must be the fans and the Peguals as it appears we are doomed to suffer through playoff football for many years to come.


I only have one question for Rex and his circus of clowns, - When will you leave the main stage, because for me it can't come soon enough.



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