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Give the devil his due...

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As much as it pains me to admit because there's literally no other organization in Pro sports that I despise more than the New England Patriots, it's truly mind boggling to see Tom Brady continue the dominance that he's had on not only this division for the better part of the last 14 years, but the entire AFC.


I can remember, as if it were yesterday, a 36 year old Jim Kelly, at the doorstep of his final NFL game at home, when at the time, the Bills were virtually invincible at Rich Stadium in home playoff games, face an upstart Jaguars team in an AFC Wildcard game.


I'm sure those who remember the game such as myself will recall not only fans, but the media, gave Jacksonville a snowball's chance in he'll of winning that game. Getting back to Kelly in the game, it was almost as if you knew you were watching an old war horse fight his final battle.


Jacksonville went on to win in Kelly's final game, 30-27, and eventually went into probably an even tougher place to win an NFL playoff game (even to this day) in Denver and dispose of another Hall of Fame quarterback, John Elway, before folding in Foxboro in the AFC Championship to Bledsoe and the Pats.


Elway eventually went out the way every QB would love to, winning two super bowls in his final two seasons, but the talent around him, including that of Terrell Davis and a good defense, had a lot to do with that.


Tom Brady has won four super bowls in six appearances. He's rarely had a formidable running game. The New England defenses have been decent but rarely struck fear in anyone's heart. He's seen offensive supports staff such as Charlie Weiss, Josh McDaniels and others come and go, with Belichick really being the only coaching constant.


I'm waiting with baited breath, like all Bills fans, to find a chink in the armor. Anything hopefully in the VERY near future, of a sign that Brady's lost a step. You hear the media as well as fans always say, "is this the year"?


It's just incredible While at the same time frustrating. The man is 37 years old, and seemingly looks like he gets better as he gets older, and loses more quality talent as years go by as well. Each year I'm always thinking, "they've lost too much this year" (especially this off-season!). But I'm trying to not say it out loud, because every time I do, the evil empire proves me wrong.


With the exception of Elway and Brady, I can't think of many other quarterbacks that have had this much success this late in their careers.


I guess this fan is left with nothing left to do except go to bed at night dreaming of that hit by Mario, or Kyle or Jerry, that finally dislodged Brady's jaw...and career.


He's gotta retire at some point...right?!



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