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Super Bowl Predictions Thread

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1. Who will win and what will the score be? Iggles..24....Brady Bunch...17


2. Who will be voted Super Bowl MVP?....Westbrook


3. Who will score first and what type of score will be it be?...Patsies..FG


4. Who will rush for more yards, Dillon or Westbrook?..Westbrook


5. Who will pass for more yards, McNabb or Brady?..Brady

Fire away!!!

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1. Who will win and what will the score be? 27-20 Eagles


2. Who will be voted Super Bowl MVP? Mcnabb


3. Who will score first and what type of score will be it be? Fg pats


4. Who will rush for more yards, Dillon or Westbrook? too close to call


5. Who will pass for more yards, McNabb or Brady? Mcnabb

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