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Drew should retire.

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This is NOT the "same old thread" that's been circulated here, because (i) no one has suggested this, and (ii) things have changed now that TD has said publicly (through Mort) that Bledsoe has to take a paycut to stay in Buffalo (which means, obviously, that he'll be the BACKUP for next season - folks, it's OBVIOUS).


Bledsoe has simply taken too many hits to be effective in pressure situations. Two talented teams have now given up on him to lead them. Coaches that were brought in to install an offense to protect his weaknesses have now given up on him. Parcells doesn't want him. Drew himself told AVP after the second Pats game that he might want to hang it up because he wasn't enjoying it anymore (he changed his mind after the winning streak that followed, but who knows after the Pittsburgh game)?


The time has come to hang it up, old horse - go out in style, say you've had your fun and it's time to move on and spend time with the family. Don't wait for that next concussion, that next QB controversy on Team Number Three... just call it.

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