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SpudGun Stories


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I've made a few, a basic one, a small one I called "Lil' Spuddy", and a straight pneumatic that sounded like air brakes on a truck when it went off. That was my biggest and best. I had a stand for it so I could remotely fire, and interchangable barrels.

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I've made a few, a basic one, a small one I called "Lil' Spuddy", and a straight pneumatic that sounded like air brakes on a truck when it went off. That was my biggest and best. I had a stand for it so I could remotely fire, and interchangable barrels.



I've never had one, or even seen one in use. I just thought the stories on that site were hilarious!

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They are fun to play with, but as some of the stories pointed out, they can be dangerous. I lived in the country with huge fields around us, so I didn't have to worry about breaking the neighbors windows, or someone reporting gunfire.



Or being arrested for possessing a WMD? :lol:


One of my coworkers used to make trebuchets that launched pumpkins. Apparantly some people came make them so that they fire the pumpkin for MILES. Wow...



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I've always wanted to build a trebuchet, but never had the time or lumber.

I used to subscribe to a spud gun email list, one of the members worked on an oil field somewhere out west. He was building his out of old pipes, and using the field as a target range. Was reporting shots going for miles.

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You guys should get the book called Backyard Ballistics. The author's name escapes me but I know they have it at Barnes and Noble. It will let you build your own little arsenal of democracy out of easily obainable items.

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A brother of an old girlfriend of mine, showed me theirs. Up to that point in my life, I had never heard of a Spud Gun, but was surely impressed after he fired one off and it traveled nearly 1/4 mile at nearly supersonic speed. We reloaded and added an additional two second burst of hair spray and fired it. It launched with a 3 foot flame, and traveled almost 1/2 mile, before becoming mashed potato's on the roof of some neighbors house.


Being the creative engineer that I am, I went home and "IMPROVED" his puny spud gun. I built it out of 1 1/2" PVC with a 3" gas chamber, and the prerequistite 3 foot launch tube. No longer was it a one person firing unit, but this monster required two people to fire. I loaded my first large spud up, and placed it upon a tripod and fired it at my entry door on my garage. Boom! The door caved in like it was made out of paper. Not good, didn't want that to happen. Fixed the door, and "Improved" the gun again, making it larger.


The second try was much better, this time the force behind the gun was triple what my girlfriends brother had created. I took am at our local gang of thugs in the neighborhood, sellling drugs. Of course the cops were oblivious to their dealings, but once I let loose with the gun, they were all over the neighborhood canvasing for the cannon. I'm told the noise was so loud, it was heard 13 blocks away. BTW, it bashed in the druggies BMW windshield like a hot knife through butter. I fired two rounds, the first took out the windshield, the second took out the radiator and front grille. I high tailed it back to my garage before the cops came. I hid the unit within my plumbing supplies and waited. Luckily, nobody saw who fired the damn thing, but those gang members never returned to that corner either.


The cops never did figure out who fired the damn gun, but were very quick to announce on the news, that "Spud Guns" were illegal. Well, so is drug dealing, and nobody gives a stevestojan about that!

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