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Happy New Year! The Winter Solstice has always been the beginning of a new year to me. Tomorrow will have more sunshine (daylight) hours than today. What more reason do we need to celebrate!?!?


My days of SAD are about to wane. Winter blues are not just "feeling the blues", but part of Seasonal Adjustment Disorder. Living in Florida helps. But just the arrival of December 21st helps even more.




HAPPY NEW SEASON! New year to me!



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Winter is when there are no leaves on the trees.


Winter is when we say goodbye to the birds and the bees.


Winter is when we get an extra hour of z's.


Winter is when a red-suited man brings us all lots of glee.


Winter is when the snow falls and we yell "Happy New Year!"


Winter is when you turn that special girl or guy's heart bright red with love and cheer until that time again next year.


Winter goes away, and the birds and the bees and the leaves on the trees and the extra hour of z's all go back to where they should be.



Edited by jboyst62
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