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Nathan Norman movment, Will you help Buffalo fans?

Damond Talbot

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As you all know it is Christmas time, and even though we might be in a good situation, there are always others out there that are struggling more than others. Well in this case, a little boy named Nathan Norman of Virginia who is 5 years old is dying of cancer. The doctors said he will probably not make it long after Christmas. So when his father and mother asked him what he wanted for Christmas the young kid said Christmas Cards from all over the world, and that is it. He said he didn't want toys because he knew he wouldn't get to play with them. This is a very strong kid, and I wanted to see if the Bills fan base would be up to helping out. You don't need to send money or anything, just a X-mas card. This kid is special, please help him out if you have the funds to spend a stamp and a card. Thanks again the address is at the bottom of the article, God Bless and Merry Christmas.





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