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I dislike the Colts, but WOW... No call on Luck hit


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Jerod Mayo could be suspended for 3rd illegal hit this year.




Anyody else worried we breathe on Luck today there is oing o be a penalty called? Just seems Ike a lot of publicity on the hits Luck has taken with no flags,and I can see the Refs being a little extra aware of it as well.

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LOL the play in question, Lucks head went down and HIT the helmet from the force of the hit.. That said, the Pats had a lot of penalties in that game, the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could try keep it a close game. They failed...


Oh and Luck already part of the protected QB club, he is considered the future of the NFL w rogers.


Don't you have porn to watch, Putzo? Leave football to those who will care. Two words: Steve DeBerg.

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