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[OT] Buffalo (City) vs. Pittsburgh (City)

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Saw this series of articles over on the Pittsburgh Post Gazette web site:




Interesting - substitute "Buffalo" for "Pittsburgh" and "Bills" for "Steelers" and you end up with exactly the same feelings that all of us have about Buffalo.


From the middle of the first article:


"Beyond that, they seem to fall into three broad groups:


I Wish I Was Homeward Bound -- If someone in Pittsburgh (Buffalo) would just please, please offer them an equivalent job and salary to what they have today, they'd make a call to the moving company tomorrow. No other place offers the same intangible strengths -- the character of its people as well as its neighborhoods.


It's Too Late, Baby -- That boomerang notion would have suited them 10 to 20 years ago because of their attachment to the city and relatives, but they've become too invested in their communities to consider it. Their kids are in schools they like with friends they'd hate to leave, and the idea of facing Pittsburgh (Buffalo) winters again makes them shudder.


I Can See Clearly Now -- While this smaller group remains fond of aspects of Pittsburgh (Buffalo), they prefer the forward-looking mindset and more open culture of where they now live. They'll visit the old homestead for this week's Christmas reunion and root for the Steelers (Bills) every Sunday. But return to a place that seems gray in oh so many ways? Forget about it."

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