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St. Louis Bills Fans

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I am so proud of the Bills not bailing on the season. We have about 20-30 fans who show up every week in St. Louis and they put our game on the big screen. This is a great group of guys, very well-rounded. Young, old, white, black, asian, large, small, men, women, kids, it looks like America in there. Lots of high fives and stuff.


Some guy came in yesterday who said he read about our group on the internet. He lit a ciggy and rooted for the boys.


By the way, a 49er fan stopped by yesterday to congratulate our group. According to him, Mike Nularkey was the popular choice to coach the 9ers last year when they chose Erickson. I think Mike would've made a big difference out there.


He's the right guy for our team.

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