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Fitzpatrick is Reich....the PERFECT backup...Bills mess up again


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Sometimes (many times) things are much clearer hindsight...except for many (myself included) that have been continued claiming this for a couple of years....the worst part is now Buffalo shot themselves in the foot again. I am pretty sure there would have not been a bunch of teams lining up to sign Fitz to big money and offer him a starting QB job EVEN when he was playing better (notice I did not say WELL, GREAT, AMAZING, etc.)....Well, now that it is VERY clear to the realists that Buffalo is still in need of a #1 starting QB, they will also be in need of a suitable backup. There is no way they will be able to retain Fitz as a backup as he will not accept a contract reduction and we know the Bills wont continue to pay him starting money to backup.

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