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Worst Team Drafts

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It's pretty interesting that my character, intellect, and sense of humor are now being questioned/debated because I found Lankster's stuttering interview amusing. I guarantee you if I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Lankster, one of the first things I'd say to him is, "man, what was UP with that interview?"


When I was a little kid I laughed when my grandmother slipped on a throw rug and landed on her hip. She was hurt -- did that make it less funny? Am I a "bad" person because I laugh at the pure humor and am able to separate it from the underlying circumstances? That's for you to judge -- I'm not worried about what's in my head or heart. The people who actually know me wouldn't disagree.


Stutter on, Ellis.

Do you go to the Special Olympics and mock the participants?


The guy has a real, documented medical problem. Grow up.

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