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Terry Robiskie's Press Conference


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I found this on the Cleveland Clowns Page.


Coach of Browns says his was a team of boys against a team of men.


Read and enjoy the laughs.


Terry Robiskie started his postgame news conference after the loss to Buffalo with some opening remarks:


This one is tough. They are all tough, but this one is tough. This was a tough game to lose, and to lose it, I think, the way we lost it.


Going into the game last week we had talked and we had a sense going into the game that New England was an outstanding football team and we felt they were better than us.


Today I think going into the game we felt like we knew it would be a tough game. We knew the stadium, the crowd, the weather, the environment – we knew it would be a tough battle. But to sit down and say in the end that we’d end up losing by 30, it was hard. It was a hard pill to swallow. It was a tough one to take.


Buffalo has got a good football team. They do a lot of things extremely well. They’ve got a veteran group on defense, and it showed.


We went out on offense and put some guys in the game. I think ultimately – to be honest about it and I’m going to be honest about it – I think there were points in time when it was men against boys.


Their defensive group, a couple guys we had on offense playing, the speed of the game, the tempo of the game, the environment, the weather, the crowd, the noise .. I think a lot it was it was too big. It was too big for a couple of the people we had in there.


To be honest, one of them was Luke (McCown). Today, the tempo of the game, the speed, their defense, the blitz, them coming after us. I thought it rattled Luke a little bit, got him nervous and shook him up a little. I don’t know if he recovered from it.


They have a veteran group. They took advantage of the young guys we had in there. They made the decision to come after us and it worked.


You look at the game and the score and you see 37-7, I think as people around the world look at it and as Browns fans around the world see it, you’d think the defense again let you down and the defense played poorly. I told the guys at halftime I thought the defense was playing. They were playing their hearts out. I thought they did a lot of things extremely well.


Offensively, like I told the guys at halftime, I don’t think we did anything to help the defense. Not only were we not helping them, we were hurting them. We put them in some bad situations, we put them in some bad positions. Again I don’t know what the play numbers are but when the defense is on the field for 80 plays and the offense is out there for 50 plays the defense is going to get worn down.


And we put them in bad positions … Any time an offense has a chance to go on a short field they’ll take advantage of it.


It was a tough game. It was a tough battle. Like I told the guys, I know we got a group of coaches here – we got a lot of good coaches – we got a group of coaches that will keep working. We’ve got a lot of coaches who are going to keep working, keep going. And I saw a lot of players going and I hope they’ll continue.


Well keep coaching and see what we can get done.


What happened to Jeff Garcia and what about the other injuries?


Jeff ended up going in the game and the one where he dropped back and took that sack, they think he sprained his knee. He’s got an MRI scheduled … All of a sudden you look up and there goes another guy, another one, another two or three guys getting hurt. I don’t know, it’s getting to that point where it’s ugly. Every time you look up the trainer is coming over saying we’re taking these two or three guys in. … All I remember was saying, where does it stop? At what point in time do we stop taking guys in?


What do you do now? How demoralized are these guys?


I don’t know. I know it’s tough on us. But like I told all the guys, I know it’s tough. It’s tough on every player. It’s tough on every coach. It’s demoralizing, but we got some good kids in the locker room. A lot of guys with heart and a lot of guys with a lot of desire. Like I told them, I know the Cleveland Browns are going to see better days. It might not be today. And it isn’t tomorrow. But the Cleveland Browns organization is going to see better days.


Could you comment on the offensive line play?


That’s a little bit of what I was saying. Just my feelings standing on the sidelines. They had Sam Adams in the game, they had London Fletcher in the game, Takeo Spikes, Posey. With their group, I just got a sense standing on the sidelines that it was too big for us. Me as a coach standing on the sidelines looking, we were running running plays and we couldn’t block them on runs, we were running passing plays and we couldn’t block them on pass. Third downs we had passes called up and we couldn’t pass protect them. We had pass protections that we blocked perfect against these guys in the scrimmage way back in July or August. We had pass protections that we had used then that we used perfectly and we came in the game and we didn’t block it.


Can this team win another game this year?


I don’t know. I would hate to stand before you and be Jim Mora. I don’t know. I really don’t know if we can win another game. I know we’ve got a lot of guys that want to. We have a lot of guys that have a lot of heart, a lot of desire. We have a lot of guys that have a lot of fight in them. We are a beaten group – coaches, players, front office. We are a beaten group. We are. We are a whipped group. But we won’t quit fighting.

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