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Tom Clements and ND


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I saw on sports center when Dan Patrich was talking with Chris MOrtensen and they were discussing possible NFL coaches that ND would be interested in and Mort said that Joe Montana has personally called ND to lobby for Tom Clements for the next head coach. I wouldn't want to see him leave so soon. He seems to be learning on the job pretty well and it would be nice to keep a coaching staff together for more than one season.

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If he gets the offer--he is as good as gone--unfortunately. The guy has a special place in ND football lore..He won a national championship as a QB and I believe as a member of the staff....as an ND fan I am really torn--we are in such disarray, but I want this guy on the Bills staff more...

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Does Dan Patrick think his stevestojan doesnt stink or what? Always soooo smug like he knows all the answers to every question.


yeah, you're right. I used to like him but I dont really care for him anymore just for that reason. his radio show is pretty bad as well.

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