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I drank way too much Coffee today so this may seem weird..BUT what if we all stopped complaining about the Bills until they prove you wrong, and start cheering them until they prove you wrong..So much negative on here, Aren't we all Bills fans..? Until they prove me wrong I expect them to make the playoff's, the past is the past and were moving forward without the past..!


BRB gotta go get some more coffee...

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Three Rules:


Rule 1, For each player drafted, regardless of their draft number, should have our 100% support until they have finished three seasons. They are young, inexperienced and learning to adjust. After three seasons they are fair game.

Rule 2, For veterans that do not meet the high standards we set, you can criticize their performance and complain about their pay vs performance but do not mock them personally or treat them with disrespect. It shows nothing but a lack of integrity and immaturity on your part.

Rule 3, But please do not sing praises of this team until they have actually showed something on the field in the regular season. It does nothing but showcase your lack of knowledge.


Not quite as eloquent as the following three laws by Isaac Asimov:

The Three Laws of Robotics are as follows:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

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I drank way too much Coffee today so this may seem weird..BUT what if we all stopped complaining about the Bills until they prove you wrong, and start cheering them until they prove you wrong..So much negative on here, Aren't we all Bills fans..? Until they prove me wrong I expect them to make the playoff's, the past is the past and were moving forward without the past..!


BRB gotta go get some more coffee...

It's not the coffee, but the cigs that go with that coffee is most likely crack???? Just saying dude........

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I drank way too much Coffee today so this may seem weird..BUT what if we all stopped complaining about the Bills until they prove you wrong, and start cheering them until they prove you wrong..So much negative on here, Aren't we all Bills fans..? Until they prove me wrong I expect them to make the playoff's, the past is the past and were moving forward without the past..!


BRB gotta go get some more coffee...



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