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Did Anyone See "Size Matters"?

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It was on earlier this week on ESPN. A documentary by NFL films on the changing of football. It included things like a breakdown of tackle eligible (though it didn't include Mitch Frerotte or John Fina, it had virtually everyone else over the last 15 years or so), 150 pound college football (which is now 166 lb college football, being played by only a handful of schools), and the change in the size of players in the NFL over the years.


It was pretty interesting. I don't know when it's going to air again and I'm too lazy to look it up (Jack'll do it :w00t:). If you get a chance, check it out.


PS. Someone please make a joke on the subject line. I'm sure it'll be refreshing. :w00t:

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I saw the piece on Sprint football (the 166lb weight limit). It is currently played by five schools - Army, Navy and three Ivy schools I believe (Penn, Columbia and one other).


It was a really cool piece. It talked about how these kids are really good players, many all-state, they just aren't very big. It's a fast game, hence the name "Sprint". They play before crowds of less than 500.


After you watch the piece, it makes you feel that big-time college athletics really have gotten out of hand. The kids playing Sprint football truly embody the spirit of college football.


By the way, because of their character, their smarts and their schools the average salary of players who have played sprint football is something like $230K.

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I saw the piece on Sprint football (the 166lb weight limit).  It is currently played by five schools - Army, Navy and three Ivy schools I believe (Penn, Columbia and one other).


It was a really cool piece.  It talked about how these kids are really good players, many all-state, they just aren't very big.  It's a fast game, hence the name "Sprint".  They play before crowds of less than 500.


After you watch the piece, it makes you feel that big-time college athletics really have gotten out of hand.  The kids playing Sprint football truly embody the spirit of college football.


By the way, because of their character, their smarts and their schools the average salary of players who have played sprint football is something like $230K.


That was my favorite part. I'd pay good money to watch that live - and would be more likely to spend my coin on it than the NFL. That was great.

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