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Number Nine Draft Class of All Time on NFL Network


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I was just watching the top draft classes of all time on NFLN and they had the Bills class of 85 as number 9. They start off talking about Bledsoe becoming ill and the team being in turmoil and Polian comes out of nowhere...... Specifically they mentioned Bruce, Frank Reich and Andre..... said it was the "catapult" to their AFC dominance.....


I know I'm hoping for too much but I hope somehow Buddy comes up with something similar this year.... I think about that draft where the Chargers got LT and Brees in the same draft......I know Buddy wasn't pulling the trigger then and who knows how much he had to do with that draft but if we could do the same with an LT/QB instead of RB/QB somehow that would be amazing..... Just trying to be hopeful even though like the rest of you I've become cynical and jaded based on the last ten years....

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If that draft class was the key to the Superbowl run... it took 5 years to pan out. Do we have that kind of patience? Now a days a guy is considered a bust if he's not tearing it up in training camp.

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