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Good Divorce Lawyers in Buffalo?


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James Harrington--in the Statler--know it from the other side of the fence--he was a friend's wife's attorney and he got her alimony from a two year marriage---really he did things for her I never thought were possible. And I should add, he had a really high priced supposedly great attorney on his side--but Harrington ate him for dinner.


Highest recommendation.

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Have to play the devils advocate here. My grandma told me(at least where divorces are concerned) there are 3 sides to every story. Her's, his and the truth. How can you pass judgment without knowing both parties??? Your applying your female bias to come to a conclusion about the guy. Maybe she drove him to it. Maybe there are other issues involved that none of us know. Maybe the guy is a scumbag but maybe he isnt. Interesting how immediately the guy has to be stripped of all his assets and he is automatically guilty.




I was going to post this but didn't want to offend.....


Divorce is such a messy business....everything he says could be true but we dont know enough about the situation to make a judgement like that....

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Did I miss something??

This poster asked if anyone knew a good divorce lawyer not for a debate on lawyers or divorce.

If you know someone help him out. If not...  Well.




Just like the poster who once asked us all for PRAYERS for her son but instead we got 100 jackazzes who instead of complying decided this was their chance for the soapbox.


Newsflash: Dude doesn't care about your personal or moral opinions of divorce. I'm sure he also doesn't need to hear people say in not so many words "no way am I helping you." IF you can't/won't help him then dont reply.

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Just like the poster who once asked us all for PRAYERS for her son but instead we got 100 jackazzes who instead of complying decided this was their chance for the soapbox.


Newsflash: Dude doesn't care about your personal or moral opinions of divorce. I'm sure he also doesn't need to hear people say in not so many words "no way am I helping you." IF you can't/won't help him then dont reply.



Well, I sent my PM. Old friend of mine has been a family lawyer doing divorces for 30 years up there. Think he has a good track record.

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Thanks to everyone who sent me some info.  I really appreciate it.


good luck to your sister---tell her to do some of her own research on line too-divorce source will give her some direction on what is and isn't possible and what to expect--it can save a lot of lawyer time and $ if you get informed before you go in.

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hey NJSue, - you actually TYPED my name in that time... the filter doesn't capitalize my name!!! Seriously, is that necessary?




Did not know that the word stevestojan was filtered? Did you gain a bad complex?

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