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Extremely off topic, however, very important...


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As a member of the Avon Rotary Club, I have been asked to spread the word to each and every contact I have. We are accepting donations to send more Shelter Boxes to Haiti. Each Shelter Box contains a tent to house 10 adults; water purifying tablets, cooking utensils, first aid supplies, etc. Each Shelter Box costs $1,000.00 to assemble and ship. They are sent all over the world when the need calls...i.e., New Orleans (Katrina); NYC (World Trade Center Disaster); etc.


If you could spare any amount of money, please send it to Avon Rotary Club, P.O. Box 1, Avon, NY 14414 (put Shelter Box in the memo). 100% of the money will be used for Shelter Boxes. Thus far we have purchased two from our own general account per an emergency board meeting this past week. At this point, we are looking for any and all donations to purchase more.


These Shelter Boxes provide direct and immediate assistance to actual victims. No middle man, no giant corporate interference, just shelter and the ability to maintain a safe quality of life while other aide arrives.


Please consider this Bills Fans! Remember when we were "Talkin Proud"....lets "act proud" and help these human beings out! Thanks a ton!

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