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  1. HA, I just looked back - prior to today - you mentioned this guy ONCE. LOL You shared a pathetic anecdotal story that you were clearly lying about. You asked EVERY TEACHER IN YOUR SCHOOL WHAT THEY THOUGHT about Scott Maxwell? GTFOH man - lmao. Searched for 'Scott Maxwell' in Topics (twobillsdrive.com)
  2. Scott Maxwell is known to make up sources and lie about people when he needs it for his story. Why am I not surprised you believe him?
  3. Can you read? I said Moyers was a Richard. I guess I need to decode that for you. I was calling him a di--. If you need help with the rest of that let me know. Also, you ignore the history of the south which is that the racist and conservative people were anti-Republican due to Lincoln being a Republican. As time has gone on they have gravitated en masse to the Republican party because they found that the Republicans represent their views a lot better. (i.e. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat from 1954-1964 and then a Republican Senator from 1964-2003. Jesse Helms working for Democrats early in his career before running as a Republican in 1972.) A lot of the Democrats of that era were segregationist, again due to strong party affiliations after the Civil War. "All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches." - Strom Thurmond during his only Presidential run in 1948. "I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either," - Trent Lott The main issue here is that if you make stupid statements and claim something about someone that isn't true it goes over a lot of peoples heads. Many of the average Americans don't understand the distinction well enough to realize that appeasement and diplomacy are two very different animals. It's typical Republican tactic. If you repeat a lie often enough it will become a fact. Like the W's missing from the computer keypad's when Bush entered office. Ransom Stoddard: You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott? Maxwell Scott: No, sir. This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend. - The man who shot Liberty Valance. If you think that both parties aren't stained by a-holes you're misguided. If you believe that the Dems have more you're really misguided. How about the Republicans systemically covering up a known pedophile within their own ranks. How about all the chickenhawks in the Republican ranks who can send poor kids to their deaths but did everything they could to avoid service and everything they can to keep their privileged kids out of Iraq? The Republicans don't give a about you unless you're making over $250,000 a year. They want nothing more than to keep their wealth at the expense of the middle class and poor. I understand the rich voting for the Republicans but I have no idea why the middle class votes against their own interests. The Republicans want to cut taxes for the rich a lot and the middle class a little, supposedly. Think about it because it doesn't add up. Let's say we went to a flat tax, a Republican favorite issue. It would be huge tax cut for the rich and a huge tax increase for the middle class, If you need X to run the government and your bringing in 60% of operating revenue from group A and 25% from group B and 15% from group C in order to keep X coming in you'll have to divide it up 33 1/3% for each bracket. Group A gets a 27% tax cut. Group B gets an 18% increase and group C gets a 28% increase. While the idea of everybody paying the same is a quaint idea that sounds like it's really fair, it's not. Why should one group pay more because they're more successful? The answer is it's what makes this country the land of opportunity. It's the system that makes it possible to be upwardly mobile. Not everyone paying in the highest brackets are hard working people. Do you want to give Paris Hilton a 27% tax cut so you can subsidize her lifestyle with an 18% increase? If you want to keep America the land of opportunity then taxing the rich more is an economic necessity and the Republican's tout it as a being a policy that is friendly to the middle class but to forget to mention those things. Just like letting it slip their minds that this stimulus package is an advance on next years taxes. If you owe money next April it will be more by the amount of your stimulus check. Which brings us to another interesting point. Why are they trying to stimulate the economy by giving out money to the middle class? In their world the people who don't need the money should pay less while the people who actually, spend the money should be getting tax increases. Let that carom around your noggin for awhile. It doesn't make any sense? The rich invest their money in stocks and I have news for you. If Bill Gates sells a million shares of Kodak and Steve Forbes buys a million shares it does jack squat for Kodak. I have no problem with lowering capital gains taxes that are made from the purchase of an IPO. That would help business expansion. I'm also for tax cuts to multi-national countries who keep the majority of their work forces in America. Kerry was a weenie while in Vietnam saving a guys life ? Every single member of his swiftboat was backing him. The swiftboaters couldn't even lie well. They said that Kerry wrote his own performance review because it spoke of him glowingly and when it was proven he couldn't have because the initials on the report weren't his they never apologized and said they were wrong. So Kerry was a weenie while Dubya couldn't even report regularly for his cushy duty and I can't think of one Republican other than McCain that served in 'Nam and McCain is the most rational Republican in the party I'm aware of.
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