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  1. Paging idiotic ***** morons @BillStime @Tiberius Press suddenly interested in asking questions about what we all knew was a real story in the fall of 2020.... What is the meaning of this? It means it's time for the useful, dementia ridden, empty vessel to go.
  2. There seems to be a pattern of ignoring malfeasance with receipts that back it up on one hand and shouting from the rooftops claiming malfeasance with zero evidence on the other. Right? Maybe the corporate media doesn't have seeking the truth and journalistic integrity at the top of their list. Just a thought. To answer the bolded there is no universe in which they will stop burying it or idiots will stop believing the narrative. Just more Trump! Russia! Cult! Down Votes! Wash, rinse, repeat.
  3. I am DRsGhost!!!!! Living quite comfortably in a dickwad morons head. The real DR and I are having a blast in here. There's plenty of room to make yourself comfortable. Come join us, just change your avatar and watch the meltdown accelerate.
  4. Joe's fake names have been out there and known for years.... To those of us actually paying attention... Robert L Peters... Robin Ware... But the businesses are legit and there's no evidence! keep swallowing those loads commies!
  5. It's all one big hoax. Hunter didn't say anything about having to give his father Joe half his salary. Joe Biden isn't on tape admitting that he leveraged holding up US loan guarantees in order to get a prosecutor fired who was investigating the very same company where his unqualified son sat on the board at a healthy $80k per month salary. Biden family business partners haven't publicly stated that Joe Biden is indeed the big guy who is to recieve 10% of his sons foreign payments. None of these things are true. They aren't and can't be true even when there are documents and videos that show, without doubt, that they are true.
  6. The outcome of the Biden plea hearing is a cover story. There is NO WAY that the two sides didn't discuss before today whether this was a "Global Plea" or not. The idea that Hunter's team only learned today that other charges are still possible is idiotic. One of two things is true: 1) There was a "wink and nod" agreement that this would be the only charges he faced, but neither side wanted to put it in writing due to the firestorm it would cause. 2) Realizing there was no way to escape the firestorm that has come up since the plea deal surfaced, they used the "excuse" that other charges might yet be filed to step back and talk about the case further rather than go forward. This was performance art today. They knew they couldn't go forward in the face of the IRS whistleblower testimony and all the other revelations about how Hunter and Biden family members getting millions of foreign revenue
  7. @John from Riverside will just regurgitate his masters mantra. The King @ChiGoose will hand wave with his regular flourish and flair. In the end, they're both the same. Useful idiots.
  8. Ask your friend who he thinks the Big guy is? That Hunter Biden isn't an elected official is irrelevant. If he used his father's office and influence to enrich the Biden family, including his father, and did not register as a foreign agent then that's against the law and all involved come under scutiny.
  9. So let's get this straight... President Trump, who had every right to declassify documents while President, gets into a back and forth with the US archives about some documents in his possession and ends up having his private residence raided by the FBI and under investigation by a special counsel. Meanwhile congress, while in the process of its oversight duties, subpoenas an unclassified document from the FBI that alleges criminal activity by the current POTUS while he was VP. The FBI, the same agency that began an investigation and spied on the last President despite having ZERO evidence, refuses to produce this document, under subpoena, for the better part of a month. Now the left has their hair on fire that the FBI director will be held in contempt of a congressional subpeona. Ok @ChiGoose are you ready to hand wave? Ready, set, go!
  10. Why was Biden's demand to fire the prosecutor a complete 180 from previous US officials statements? Quick. Get some fact che...I mean propagandists to lie to you.
  11. Remember when the Aspen institute happened to war game the exact scenario in June 2020 that ended up happening in real time in October 2020 with the Hunter laptop and Russian disinformation? I mean what are the odds given that 51 former IC officials told everyone in their infamous memo in October that they had zero evidence it was Russian disinformation. Did the Aspen institute commies have information in June 2020 that the USIC did not? Did the USIC have this intelligence in June but lost it come October? All so strange. Most secure election in US history / The big lie keep repeating the commie lemmings....
  12. Let me guess another nothing burger right commies? Shopping for real estate with Russian billionaires who then avoid US sanctions, in this specific case, does not make one a Putin/Russia suporter? Am I doing this right?
  13. I'm leaving here in 6 hours, if the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the money. Well son of a B word..(laughter from an adoring media)...he got fired. That's not a quid pro quo using US loan guarantees in order to get a prosecutor fired who happens to be investigating the oil and gas company that your son sits on its board of directors . What evidence of corruption?
  14. Love these supercuts... 1. Useful idiots' masters repeat: No Evidence! Interspersed with cuts of... Evidence!
  15. He knows the same evidence the rest of us do, plus a little more inside baseball. You know the evidence the left keeps telling us isn't evidence at all. You realize you can't reason with leftist useful idiots, right? These people are forever lost to reality. Therefore saying things to trigger their rage is perfectly reasonable. Or do you think playing nice with commies is going to stop their destructive intentions? You're entitled to your opinion, but the guy has worked as a SSA under both Bush and Obama. He just might have a unique perspective that you and I don't.
  16. But it's not incredible, unbelievable or anything close. This is how marxists and their useful idiot minions have always operated.
  17. Coupled with the universally approved and useful idiot parroted mantra, mere days after the election, that it was the most secure election in US history. The same people who tell you there's no evidence of massive 2020 election shenanigans will also tell you there's no evidence of Biden corruption. See, The King. These people deserve nothing more than your mocking, scorn and derision. They are completely lost useful idiots.
  18. And rig it again they will. More blatantly than before. And then they'll tell us it is the new most secure election in US history.
  19. Again, nothing below is intended for useful idiots. Because they are useful idiots beyond all help. @RepRoKhanna misleadingly claims, "There is not a single shred of evidence that a single payment went to President Biden." Hunter Biden paid his father's phone bills, house repairs, and monthly expenses and told his daughter that he "paid for everything for this entire family for 30 years... But don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary." Most importantly, the notion that Joe Biden had to receive a direct payment is factually inaccurate. Both the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.S. Code explicitly prohibit elected officials from accepting money directly or indirectly through their family members. Emails reveal instances of Hunter and Eric Schwerin, Hunter's business partner, paying then-VP Joe Biden's bills at his Wilmington estate: -$2600 "stone retaining wall" -$1,475 "back wall painter" -$1,239 "ac repairs" "FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of 'my' account,'" Schwerin wrote in the email to Hunter. He then says there is "about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses." A few days later, Schwerin wrote to Hunter that one of the contractors was "hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven't heard from your Dad." Additional documents on the laptop point to a mingling of finances between Joe and Hunter. In an April 12, 2018, text to his assistant, Hunter expressed frustration about losing access to his Wells Fargo account and acknowledged he and his business partner had been paying Joe's expenses through that account for 11 years. β€œToo many cooks in the kitchen. Too many profile changes and such. Happened 10 days ago too . . . My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric have paid for past 11 years.” In May 2018, Hunter accidentally paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe's bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel, also suggesting a co-mingling of their finances. According to Tony Bobulinski, Hunter's business partner, Joe was referred to as the "big guy" in a 2017 email, and he was supposed to receive a 10% equity stake in the company, with Hunter receiving the same. Notably, the FBI's FD-1023 form indicates that Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly paid $5,000,000 in bribes to both Joe and Hunter, suggesting an equal division of Ukrainian bribes and the CEFC China Energy deal. Exactly in alignment with Hunter's statement to his daughter, "But don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary." @RepRoKhanna, you should be honest with the American people. There is substantial evidence that Joe Biden paid his bills using the money that his son illegally received as an unregistered foreign lobbyist from foreign nationals. Do you support Joe Biden paying his bills using the money his son illegally received from corrupt oligarchs in Russia, China, and Ukraine? Receipts below.πŸ‘‡
  20. I disagree that leftists here know that Biden is corrupt. They don't know it at all. They truly believe that there is no evidence. This is precisely what a useful idiot is, they fully and truly believe what they're told. Always. As Yuri Bezmenov once explained, you can actually take useful idiots to the gulags and show them and they will still refuse to believe it. Only when a boot crushes their balls will they believe, but by then of course it's far too late for them.
  21. When the 12th of never arrives that's precisely when the left will acknowledge evidence exists. Therefore the perpetual show us the evidence mantra works and will continue to work for useful idiots.
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