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  1. But it's not incredible, unbelievable or anything close. This is how marxists and their useful idiot minions have always operated.
  2. Coupled with the universally approved and useful idiot parroted mantra, mere days after the election, that it was the most secure election in US history. The same people who tell you there's no evidence of massive 2020 election shenanigans will also tell you there's no evidence of Biden corruption. See, The King. These people deserve nothing more than your mocking, scorn and derision. They are completely lost useful idiots.
  3. Again, nothing below is intended for useful idiots. Because they are useful idiots beyond all help. @RepRoKhanna misleadingly claims, "There is not a single shred of evidence that a single payment went to President Biden." Hunter Biden paid his father's phone bills, house repairs, and monthly expenses and told his daughter that he "paid for everything for this entire family for 30 years... But don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary." Most importantly, the notion that Joe Biden had to receive a direct payment is factually inaccurate. Both the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.S. Code explicitly prohibit elected officials from accepting money directly or indirectly through their family members. Emails reveal instances of Hunter and Eric Schwerin, Hunter's business partner, paying then-VP Joe Biden's bills at his Wilmington estate: -$2600 "stone retaining wall" -$1,475 "back wall painter" -$1,239 "ac repairs" "FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of 'my' account,'" Schwerin wrote in the email to Hunter. He then says there is "about $2,000 extra in 'my' account beyond what is used for monthly expenses." A few days later, Schwerin wrote to Hunter that one of the contractors was "hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven't heard from your Dad." Additional documents on the laptop point to a mingling of finances between Joe and Hunter. In an April 12, 2018, text to his assistant, Hunter expressed frustration about losing access to his Wells Fargo account and acknowledged he and his business partner had been paying Joe's expenses through that account for 11 years. β€œToo many cooks in the kitchen. Too many profile changes and such. Happened 10 days ago too . . . My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric have paid for past 11 years.” In May 2018, Hunter accidentally paid a Russian pimp $25,000 from Joe's bank account, causing the Secret Service to frantically rush to his hotel, also suggesting a co-mingling of their finances. According to Tony Bobulinski, Hunter's business partner, Joe was referred to as the "big guy" in a 2017 email, and he was supposed to receive a 10% equity stake in the company, with Hunter receiving the same. Notably, the FBI's FD-1023 form indicates that Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly paid $5,000,000 in bribes to both Joe and Hunter, suggesting an equal division of Ukrainian bribes and the CEFC China Energy deal. Exactly in alignment with Hunter's statement to his daughter, "But don't worry unlike Pop I won't make you give me half your salary." @RepRoKhanna, you should be honest with the American people. There is substantial evidence that Joe Biden paid his bills using the money that his son illegally received as an unregistered foreign lobbyist from foreign nationals. Do you support Joe Biden paying his bills using the money his son illegally received from corrupt oligarchs in Russia, China, and Ukraine? Receipts below.πŸ‘‡
  4. I disagree that leftists here know that Biden is corrupt. They don't know it at all. They truly believe that there is no evidence. This is precisely what a useful idiot is, they fully and truly believe what they're told. Always. As Yuri Bezmenov once explained, you can actually take useful idiots to the gulags and show them and they will still refuse to believe it. Only when a boot crushes their balls will they believe, but by then of course it's far too late for them.
  5. When the 12th of never arrives that's precisely when the left will acknowledge evidence exists. Therefore the perpetual show us the evidence mantra works and will continue to work for useful idiots.
  6. Psyops! Yes it takes a cabal of independent journalists making up a tiny percentage of the overall landscape with a fraction of the reach of the corporate media IC partnership to create, coordinate and carry out a psyop! Projection is ALL they have. Projection works great on useful idiots.
  7. It's not even that. It makes no sense and just typical useful idiot deflection based on swallowing his masters loads fully, completely and deeply. @John from Riverside is another one, if graded on the massive stupidity per post system would give @BillStime a good run. He just needs more ABs to be eligible for court jester.
  8. Oh they will see it.....eventually.... when the military boot crushes their balls. Until then they will remain useful idiots.
  9. Apparently it's a prerequisite that useful idiots can't know how to perform basic board functions. But you still can't be King, sorry. 1. Search function 2. User: John from Riverside. 3. Keyword: guilty 4. 34 results returned. 3 of which were the examples I cited. Took 30 seconds.
  10. @ChiGoose again is a fully demoralized useful idiot. No matter what evidence continues to pile up, not only is he incapable of seeing it, he'll call YOU a moron for having basic observational skills.
  11. 🎯 The lefts useful idiots are painfully pathetic. @ChiGoose THE KING @BillStime @Tiberius @redtail hawk
  12. @ChiGoose is indeed the new king. he loves to parrot the NYT, CBS and the like....except when they bury an admission that the laptop is indeed and always was authentic. But useful idiots gotta be useful...
  13. Only problem being that many real women who compete in sports are also woke useful idiots who are lost and incapable of seeing the insanity.
  14. Schools are allowing kids to identify as animals, wear costumes to school, bark, meow and walk on all fours.. BUT WHY ARE YOU PROMOTING THE LITTER BOX HOAX!!! What a typical useful idiot.
  15. 🎯 The ONLY way you wake up a useful idiot is by making it personal. Make them personally pay the price that their commie masters brought to their front door.
  16. This is why useful idiots are so...useful. Here we have a dem mayor calling out the crisis in NYC. But they won't believe him. Their masters in DC have told them there is no problem...therefore there is no problem.
  17. They told us what they were going to do. Now they're doing what they said they would do. Useful idiots believe what they're told. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
  18. Biden needs to remove mask to give remarks. Covid risk pauses during these moments. And at the same time... He walked out of ceremony prematurely on purpose in order to minimize the risk to others. Keep defending clown world useful idiots.
  19. How to quickly identify a useful idiot 101... "Lost a bit off his fastball" @ChiGoose The King "By all accounts he is in better shape than he was years ago" @redtail hawk
  20. We've got another brilliant UI take on Joe's mental decrepitude. By all accounts.. Lost his fastball.. Some mental decline....but Trump is worse! So let's combine them all into one massively idiotic useful idiot take.... Sure Biden has lost his fastball, but by all accounts the hardly perceptible mental decline doesn't hold a candle to Trump!
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