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  1. @redtail hawk the useful idiot behaving like a good little useful idiot? You don't say.
  2. They’d also have you believe that the mothers throughout the country who don’t want their children’s brains poisoned with ideas that men can get pregnant or menstruate, humans can change genders whenever they want to, and it’s fair competition for men to compete as women in sports, are bad people. Nothing could be further from the truth Yet, it raises the question, what kind of people would oppose a group of mothers protecting their children from such things? And the answer, according to planned protests at the upcoming Moms for Liberty summit in Philadelphia, is communists. This isn’t hyperbole or aggressive, agenda-driven name-calling. Supporters of the ideology that calls for suppressing civil liberties, squashing individual rights, and the violent overhaul of political systems, which led to over 100 million people murdered in the 20th century, are the ones that want to silence Moms for Liberty. It doesn’t take a genius here to figure out who are the good and bad guys. No, it just takes epic moronic useful idiots like @BillStime @redtail hawk @SectionC3 to side with communists and then laughably claim that they're the good guys here.
  3. This thread of another great example of useful idiocy in action. Why is there any controversy whatsoever about how completely inappropriate it is to be talking to CHILDREN, not only about inappropriate sexual content, but how it's an easy, flippant decision to change their sex? Instead there's deflection, denials that it's even happening at all etc. all from people on the left because they've been told to at best look the other way and at worst support it. Meanwhile, five years ago if a teacher spoke to or showed a six year old sexual content everyone would agree that individual at minimum needs to be fired immediately if not put away for awhile. Not anymore. Because useful idiots.
  4. And the useful idiot band plays on... Lied to 1000x and still waiting breathlessly for the next Trump juicy nugget to drop to lap up the lies once again.
  5. @ChiGoose same guy who read the IG report on crossfire hurricane and came to the obvious conclusion that those were all just innocent errors! Useful idiots can go to very great lengths to be useful.
  6. Trust proven liars corrupting the FBI and DOJ? That's for useful idiots alone. @The Frankish Reich @ChiGoose
  7. The Capitol of the most powerful nation the world has ever known was breached by a bunch of disorganized, unarmed citizens. To believe that this was a real threat that happened outside of any reason but gross negligence on the part of those responsible for security at the capitol is patently absurd. The very same people who believe a successful insurrection and coup almost happened on J6 will also tell you: That Joe Biden, by all accounts, speaks with more coherence and vigor than he did decades ago. That there's zero evidence tying Joe Biden to a foreign influence peddling scheme through his son. That elementary school students aren't being exposed to sexual content across the country. That Donald Trump engaged in a golden shower fetish with Russian hookers. That men can become women. That nazi churches exist. That masks will stop the spread of respiratory viruses. That there's no problem at our southern border. All patently absurd clown world stuff as well. But they'll go to their grave insisting it's all true. They are useful idiots. No amount of information staring them in the face will ever convince them to budge one nanometer from the absurdity, and certainly not from anonymous posters on a sub forum of nfl team message board. So I ignore them and mock them for their useful idiocy.
  8. 🎯 Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, who isn't a useful idiot needs to watch this. They fired Tucker in part so they wouldn't have to air the original interview. After you watch this new one you'll know why. Please watch this. There shouldn’t be 4M views, there should be 40M or 400M views. This interview is among the most powerful I’ve ever witnessed and I’ve witnessed or been part of Law Enforcement investigations and intelligence activities for decades. Thank you @TuckerCarlson for sitting down w/ Chief Sund. And thank you @elonmusk and @X for being a platform for the truth. We’re in trouble America and we better get it right (morally, legally, and politically) in the next year or so, otherwise, we’re done.
  9. A few things we have known... Sund confirms that by LAW the house/senate sergeants at arms must grant approval to deploy the national guard. @John from Riverside From his first request on J6 to house SAA Irving for NG assistance approval and his ELEVEN subsequent calls until approval was finally given, 71 minutes elapsed. On the first request for help, Irving told Sund he'd have to "run it up the chain".... who is the last rung in the chain above Irving, @ChiGoose? Pelosi. A tidbit I hadn't yet heard.. The NG finally arrived at the Capitol at 6 pm. There were police officers from NEW JERSEY that arrived at the Capitol before the NG did. I encourage every non useful idiot to watch this interview. Sund was the friggin chief of Capitol police, he should be the very first person you'd want to hear from if you really wanted to get to the bottom of J6. Curiously he had to beg to give testimony and almost the entire media outside of Tucker has zero interest in interviewing him. I wonder why?
  10. Clearly. Undoubtedly. Without question.. Set. Up. If you call it an insurrection you brand yourself a useful idiot as quickly as driving while masked.
  11. Joe Biden told us that you need fighter jets to take on the government... Yet we're supposed to buy that a small group of UNARMED middle aged nitwits,who were allowed inside, were going to seize control of the Capitol and force alternate electors to be counted? It's so beyond ludicrous that even normal useful idiots raise an eyebrow at it. You need to be a super charged useful idiot like Quack MD or The King to buy it.
  12. Oh yes. The King has put forward this theory numerous times. The FBI infiltrated a dangerous militia in the months before J6, knew their insurrection plans, and allowed it to play out instead of thwarting it. True useful idiots.
  13. I take it as a badge of honor to be attacked by useful idiots like @John from Riverside. Huge compliment.
  14. After us it will be the useful idiots who know for certain that they'll NEVER come for them....
  15. A former republican too eh? Good one. You're a useful idiot living in clown world. Under a green sky. Every day. But by all means keep up your hand waving long winded diatribes of BS. I missed them.
  16. So again let's recap for the King and other useful idiots.. 1. We have the IC memo, orchestrated by Tony Blinken, that in no uncertain terms states: we do not have evidence of Russian involvement 2. The subsequent reporting on the memo stating definitively, despite the memo saying no evidence exists, that the laptop contents are in fact Russian disinformation. So King this leaves you the following options... A. The reporting by the media at large on the IC memo was accurate. B. The media at large got the reporting wrong because they didn't want to accurately report on it. C. The media at large got the story wrong because they were all stupendously incompetent simultaneously. I guess you're still going with option C then?
  17. Yeah it was Trump’s DOJ doing his bidding. Keep being useful, idiot.
  18. Everything a good useful idiot will regurgitate. Good job!
  19. I'm sure Hunter tapped out this 22 point email outlining in astonishing detail US strategy in Ukraine, all on his own, between rounds of hookers and blow. And if you believe that, you just might be a useful idiot like @ChiGoose. For Hunter, it was an uncharacteristically lengthy email, listing 22 points about Ukraine’s political situation, with detailed information about the upcoming election and predicting an escalation of Russia’s “destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full-scale takeover of the eastern region, most critically Donetsk. In point 22, Hunter instructed Archer to buy a “burner phone,” presumably to keep their conversations private. “Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.” It’s a prescient and very well-informed email, unlike anything else Hunter wrote in the nine years covered in the laptop, and it has the distinct flavor of an official briefing, perhaps even a classified one.
  20. Belongs here. Because hypocrisy of PPP useful idiots knows no bounds....
  21. Hey @Roundybout says thats different! how shocking. And regurgitating the outright lie that Capitol police officers were killed on J6. How very useful idiot of you roundy! The only people who died at the Capitol on J6 were protestors. Period.
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