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  1. London braced for 'ten simultaneous terror attacks' in wake of Paris atrocities http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/12199959/London-braced-for-ten-simultaneous-terror-attacks-in-wake-of-Paris-atrocities.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter … 'NHS spent £181,000 treating just one illegal immigrant' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/nhs/12199883/NHS-spent-181000-treating-just-one-illegal-immigrant.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter … Two migrants are trampled to death as refugees stampede to make it to Europe http://dailym.ai/1RbWX1O #Refugees continue arriving in #Greece despite #EU-#Turkey deal http://dw.com/p/1IGs9 Watch: Journalists Punched, Kicked, And Rammed With Car In Sweden's 'Little Mogadishu' http://bit.ly/1VrnCLl
  2. Not that I give two figs for Basky's attempt to refocus the thread, but you do have to laugh at his continuing parroting of the "GOP had no health plan" lie...... and (once again) no...I will not link to something, it has been provided for you (and ignored by you) many times in the past few years. You are in Gator territory with that falsehood. Obama's #SOTU guests: gay rights activist, Mexican immigrant, Syrian refugee http://yhoo.it/1l0wCId Don't forget the "empty chair" Yahoo !!!..........lol .
  3. Quite true sir, but not an especially difficult prediction. So ..............bring on the circus. If Mr. Obama wants to go with the empty seat stunt, the GOP should too. In fact , with a strong Republican majority, they can have many, many symbolic empty seats GOP, leave all your seats empty for: - Kate Steinle - Brian Terry - The Syrian CHRISTIAN refugees - Benghazi victims - Victims of Planned Parenthood .
  4. No need to read past Baskin's (per usual) giveaway line.......................lol More from The Hill: Mkay … so what will that entail, exactly? Tweeters are already guessing: @samsteinhp will he speak from the golf course ? @samsteinhp whole thing in iambic pentameter. @samsteinhp like, with hand puppets ? ALSO: http://www.dailywire.com/news/2481/obamas-state-union-guests-syrian-refugee-gay-ben-shapiro
  5. So, now we know what an “unconventional State of the Union speech” is — an ordinary campaign speech. Making America Grate Again by Jonah Goldberg FTA: after seven years of unrelenting presidential condescension, insults and cynicism, it’s very difficult to take his sermons against cynicism and incivility seriously. Cut through the rhetoric and the message was the same as ever: If you agree with me, you’re reasonable. It was all so tediously familiar and grating I couldn’t wait for it to end (much like Obama’s presidency). I lost track of the straw-men and false-choices. I particularly enjoyed his “big question” of how to keep America secure “without either isolating ourselves or trying to nation-build everywhere there’s a problem.” Ah, yes, those are the only choices other than Barack Obama’s enlightened third way — a third way so enlightened he actually touted Syria policy as a success. I’m sure the quarter million dead Syrians and the Europeans awash in refugees agree that the Obama Way is so much more enlightened. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner David Burge‏@iowahawkblog 13h13 hours ago I'm just glad Bowie didn't live to watch this Retweets 185 Likes
  6. Angela #Merkel will push Turkey to control migrant flow at Berlin talks on Friday #refugees http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/merkel-pushes-turkey-to-stem-flow-of-migrants … Nordic asylum numbers drop after borders tightened http://bit.ly/1RCPxao Police union warns: we're close to exhaustion keeping up #Austria border controls http://www.thelocal.de/20160122/police-cant-keep-up-border-controls-union …
  7. Rising Anti-Semitism in Germany: Ominous Indicator Amid Mass Migration, Anti-Semitism Reaches Historic Levels in Germany Danish Minister: ‘Denmark’s Immigration Policy Is Decided In Denmark, Not In Brussels’ http://bit.ly/1WwXGMV As Norway Begins Organised Deportations, Migrants Go AWOL To Avoid Being Sent To Russia http://bit.ly/1nafQrz Was #Austria's open door policy during #refugee crisis a mistake? http://thelocal.at/20160118/austrian-leaders-rethink-open-door-policy-for-refugees …
  8. Obama, Yesterday: ‘Our War in Afghanistan Came to an End’ If you’re confused, President Obama declared “the end of the combat mission in Afghanistan” on December 28, 2014. The opposition did not get that memo. April 10: A 22-year-old member of the US Army from Whitinsville was killed in Afghanistan when an Afghan soldier attacked his American allies earlier this week. John M. Dawson, an Army specialist, died in Jalalabad from wounds suffered when he was hit by small arms fire while on an escort mission, the Defense Department said in a statement. The gunman was an Afghan National Army soldier who “turned traitor” on his American allies, said Army Sergeant Paul Reis, who was assigned as a liaison to the Dawson family after Dawson’s death. He said other soldiers were wounded in the attack. Meanwhile, in Helmand, Afghanistan, this weekend: Taliban gunmen surrounded a police compound in the volatile southern province of Helmand after killing 19 police officers and seven soldiers in an ongoing siege, a senior police officer said Monday from inside the compound. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner .
  9. Senate Democrats call on Obama to resettle 65,000 Syrian refugees The Hill ^ | 05/21/2015 A group of Senate Democrats is urging the Obama administration to allow at least 65,000 Syrian refugees to settle inside the United States. “While the United States is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees, we must also dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees that we accept for resettlement,” the group of 14 lawmakers — led by Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) — said Thursday. The group letter noted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) wants to resettle 130,000 Syrian refugees over the next two years and has thus far submitted more than 12,000 resettlement cases to the United States for consideration. (Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ... What could go wrong ? .
  10. Obamacare crumbling before our eyes It wasn't very long ago that President Obama would jeer at Republicans for the many congressional votes they had taken to amend or repeal his healthcare law. But, much though he loves to jeer — his shameful and unpresidential fit of pique about GOP concerns on terrorists camouflaged as refugees, was a recent example — the president may soon beg them for a few more such votes. Because as its sixth birthday approaches, his health insurance law is in critical condition. The latest bad Obamacare news came on Thursday, when America's largest insurer had to tell Wall Street that it is losing its shirt by participating in the Obamacare exchanges. In a press release, UnitedHealth Group slashed its earnings outlook, causing its stock to fall by 6 percent in the first few minutes of trading. {snip} The root causes of this debacle are deeply troubling — a system so badly conceived and constructed that a company with a proven track record in making money on health insurance loses nearly half a billion dollars. Obamacare's exchanges held forth the promise of government-subsidized health insurance, for which people cannot be turned down or even charged a bit more based on even expensive pre-existing health conditions. The result is that a disproportionate number of those who hurried to sign up for exchange plans did so because they already needed expensive treatments. The hope was that as time went on, healthier and younger customers would sign up too. That didn't happen, and now most sensible people have abandoned that pipe dream. Obamacare's exchanges are projected to enroll only half as many people as originally expected. Middle class customers without major health problems look askance at the high premiums. They may also stop paying for insurance after they realize that their premiums are being kept lower than they would be otherwise by high deductibles and narrow networks. Even the controversial requirement that everyone buy insurance under penalty of law has failed to attract these customers. As a result, there aren't enough net-payers into the pool to cover the healthcare costs of the others. Insurance companies are begging for a bailout. Although it is not a certainty, the threat of the so-called "death spiral" still remains. The good news? Repeal looks more politically feasible, more attractive, and even more likely to attract at least some Democratic support every day this goes on. When Obama leaves office, more than half of the 60 Democratic senators who voted for it will have retired or been defeated. The party will have much less invested in defending it against common sense, as it has done now for seven grim years. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/obamacare-crumbling-before-our-eyes/article/2576805
  11. Turning on President Barack Obama and other Democratic leaders, a significant chunk of the House Democratic caucus sided with Republicans in an effort to effectively stifle the flow of Syrian refugees into the US. On Thursday, 47 House Democrats voted in favor of a bill authored by Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas). The bill passed, 289-137, giving it just enough to overcome a threatened veto from President Barack Obama. Original Article Funny thing.........After a closed-door meeting at the White House, Dems came away even more opposed to Obama´s plan.
  12. NOT JUST SYRIANS: Thousands of Somali Refugees Enter US, Despite Having Same Terror Vetting Problem. “More Somali former refugees have left the U.S. to fight with Al-Shabaab and ISIS than any other ethnic group.”
  13. Make the President an offer he can’t refuse on refugees As much as we rightly fear Islamic terror coming into our country, at the same time I think most of us also understand the legitimate fears any woman and mother has living in the Islamic world. So when it comes to refugees, let’s take the President at his word, and do a good deed at the same time. Let’s set a quota demanding that refugees let in must be 70% women, or children under 13. Since Obama says the refugees are mostly women and children, how can he say no? Pass a bill. Barack Obama decided politics must extend beyond the water’s edge, and attacked Ted Cruz while abroad. The basic problem is that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , like most of us, understands that the bulk of the people coming out of Syria are migrants, not refugees. These aren’t women and children fleeing war and oppression. They’re men looking for work. The profile of the “refugees” is reminiscent of the profile of illegal aliens coming into the US over our southern border. But if the President is telling the truth, and the refugeees are mostly women and children, then signing a bill mandating a quota of 70% women, or children under 13 shouldn’t be a problem, right? Right? So let’s do it. Pass the bill. Make him veto it. http://www.redstate.com/2015/11/19/make-president-offer-cant-refuse-refugees/
  14. Walter Russell Mead has a terrific piece in the American Interest on "President Obama's Cynical Refugee Ploy." Highlights: Read the whole thing. .
  15. LOL................and people complain about the balance of the articles I post... Here are Mr. Waldman's last six articles. The dark depths of conservative despair November 24, 2015 Marco Rubio has no clue how to defeat ISIS November 23, 2015 The GOP's despicable rush to demonize refugees November 20, 2015 Why have so many GOP governors fizzled out in the 2016 race? November 19, 2015 Republicans' anti-refugee rhetoric is shameful and despicable November 18, 2015 Here's the dirty little secret about the GOP's immigration push November 16, 2015
  16. Obama's "Very Rigorous" Syrian Refugee Entrance Form #RefugeesWelcome
  17. Exclusive: US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees - ABC News - http://abcn.ws/1ehMX3t via @ABC Reminder: White House Launches #REFUGEESWELCOME Hashtag Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It By Andrew McCarthy As I argued in Faithless Execution, the principal constitutional duty of the chief executive is to execute the laws faithfully. President Obama, by contrast, sees his principal task as imposing his post-American “progressive” preferences, regardless of what the laws mandate. In his latest harangue against Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and other Americans opposed to his insistence on continuing to import thousands of Muslim refugees from Syria and other parts of the jihad-ravaged Middle East, Obama declaimed: When I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which a person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted … that’s shameful…. That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion. Really? Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission must establish that … religion [among other things] … was or will be at least one central reason for persecuting the applicant. Moreover, to qualify for asylum in the United States, the applicant must be a “refugee” as defined by federal law. That definition (set forth in Section 1101(a)(42)(A) of Title , U.S. Code) also requires the executive branch to take account of the alien’s religion: The term “refugee” means (A) any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality … and who is unable or unwilling to return to … that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of … religion [among other things] …[.] The law requires a “religious test.” And the reason for that is obvious. Asylum law is not a reflection of the incumbent president’s personal (and rather eccentric) sense of compassion. Asylum is a discretionary national act of compassion that is directed, by law not whim, to address persecution. There is no right to emigrate to the United States. And the fact that one comes from a country or territory ravaged by war does not, by itself, make one an asylum candidate. War, regrettably, is a staple of the human condition. Civil wars are generally about power. That often makes them violent and, for many, tragic; but it does not necessarily make them wars in which one side is persecuting the other side. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/427262/refugee-religious-test-shameful-and-not-american-except-federal-law-requires-it-Andrew How can something American law requires be “not American”? .
  18. LOL at our resident left concerned over "mainstream" Governor Jindal dropping out. I am so glad to see that they acknowledge that these ideas are mainstream in America. Do you like school choice? Jindal pushed for the biggest expansion anywhere. If immigration’s your issue, here’s the guy who talked about assimilation and could point to his family’s life experience “We need to insist people that want to come to our country should come legally, should learn English and adopt our values, roll up their sleeves, and get to work,” He is against having (more) Syrian 'refugees' sent to LA. Jindal also started cutting portions of state government, including privatizing the state’s hospitals, turning down the Medicaid expansion offered under Obamacare, and cutting funding to state universities and colleges. and (of course) he is strongly Pro-Life You're right...................we should have given this mainstream governor a better look
  19. Krauthammer’s Take: Let in Women, Children, and Refugees over 50 Charles Krauthammer says that while he doesn’t support Republican governors who proclaim Syrian refugees are unwelcome, ”they deserve some respect, a lot more than the president gave with his preening address he gave yesterday.” “Remember, he’s the one that decided against the begging, the advice, recommendations of all of his top advisers, to do nothing at the beginning of the Syrian civil war,” Krauthammer said on Tuesday’s Special Report. “He could have established easily, a safe zone. The way that we did for over a decade in Kurdistan, in Iraq. It wouldn’t have cost boots on the ground. ” “And he decided, because he didn’t want to sully his reputation as a man who ends war and doesn’t start them, he denied them,” Krauthammer continued. ”So now he’s attacking people who are worried about the danger to the very people Obama abandoned. And forced into refugee status.” Krauthammer floated his own proposal: Given the new circumstances, you allow the women and the children and the men over 50. As you did in the past. But you’re extra-careful, extra scrutiny for the men of fighting age, the ones who do this stuff. And for each of them, you require a positive vetting, not just the absence of a negative one. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
  20. WHITE HOUSE WON'T TELL GOVS WHERE SENDING REFUGEES... Resettlement group admits: We don't track them... Obama’s inaction plants doubt he can keep America safe by Michael Goodwin Original Article
  21. CHANGE: Germany Shuts Its Open Door To Refugees. THOMAS SOWELL: Why Didn’t France Close Its Borders Decades Ago? And What About Us? Europe Learns How Dangerous Compassion Can Be.
  22. RFK ?...................DC United won't mind. Of course you know I'm joking around Tom (some of our simpler posters may not) The point of the map was to show where the refugee industry is utilizing (SEE POST #15)
  23. Carson: Congress should stop funding refugee resettlement FNC's Chris Wallace to Ben Carson: After Paris, How Can We Trust A President With No Experience? CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Why should voters choose you over someone who actually has experience in foreign policy, who actually has experience in national security?” BEN CARSON: Are you talking about somebody like Hillary Clinton? I would say the reason is because you can articulate intelligent options and because you know how to work with other people and utilize the incredible resources that we have available to us. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/11/15/fncs_chris_wallace_to_ben_carson_after_paris_how_can_we_trust_a_president_with_no_experience.html Ben Carson Answers Question About Putting Boots on Ground in Way ‘Most Politicians’ Would ‘Never’ Do The retired neurosurgeon made the comments in response to a question from an individual identified as Tom who wanted to know how many “boots on the ground” would be deployed in a Carson administration. “Tom, I don’t want to send any but this is not a want – it is a need. Now brace yourself because I am about to answer a question that most politicians could never bring themselves to say…I don’t know exactly how many,” Carson wrote. “Tom, here is what I will do. I will meet with the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff, conveying to them my mission,” he continued. “I will ask them the best way to accomplish that mission. They would then come back to me with a list of resources they need.” “So Tom, the correct answer is not one fewer soldier than what the best and brightest military minds think is necessary. For far too long, we have had a leader that second guesses his commanders. I won’t do that. They will have my full support, not my Monday morning quarterbacking.” http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/11/17/ben-carson-answers-question-about-putting-boots-on-ground-in-way-most-politicians-would-never-do/
  24. Pockets of Resistance to the Refugee Industry FTA: What’s driven much of this local resentment has not been security concerns so much as cost ones –concerns that apply to all refugees, not merely those from Syria or even the Islamic world generally. The paid agents of the State Department – the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (52 percent taxpayer-funded), Church World Service (57 percent taxpayer-funded), World Relief (70 percent taxpayer-funded), Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services (92 percent taxpayer-funded), and others – decide on their own, in secret, where they will send the refugees they’re paid to “sponsor,” whether the local schools and other institutions can handle them or not. I use scare quotes because sponsoring a refugee does not mean what you think it does – it consists of little more than signing the refugees up for welfare and then moving on to the next revenue-generating warm body (the agencies are paid by the head). For states and localities, refugee resettlement can be a huge unfunded mandate. This heavy use of state and local welfare and other services, combined with the imperious attitude of the State Department and its minions, has generated resistance across the country, from Idaho to South Carolina and many places in between. They’ve gotten nowhere in pointing to the law’s all-but-meaningless requirement for consultation with state and local governments. Tennessee even passed a law in 2011 to try to force the State Department to consult with local communities – to little effect. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
  25. # of D.C. accepted refugees last month...ZERO So...........According to WaPo, one snub and all Muslims will become barbaric terrorists. If that's not racism, nothing is.
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