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Jeff Wright's Mullet

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Posts posted by Jeff Wright's Mullet

  1. I'm sorry for starting this tread as you guys have shown me the light. I'm glad Russ Brandon is our CEO and he is clearly the "greatest hire/promotion since Bill Polian." (Yes, someone actually formulated that thought) We are finally on the right path and Russ, Jeffrey Littman and Ralph will take us there as their track record indicates they have in the past.

    I am a fan of the Bills, I want the Bills to succeed. I am not a fan of losing and I have no faith in the decision makers within this organization.

  2. This guy admitted that he will not be involved in the personal descisions of the team but yet he is tweeting from the Senior Bowl practices. Why? He is a sales/marketing guy why is he wasting his time acting like a scout at the Senior Bowl. Giving this guy more power within the organization is yet another blunder by Ralph Wilson in a career chalk full of blunders.


    Look at the Front Office of this organization as listed on the teams website:

    Owner-enough said

    President & CEO- A Sales Marketing Guy who likes to tweet and participate in Home Run Derby's at the AAA all star game

    Chief Financial Officer-Jeffrey Littman


    Where is the football knowledge? I know this is beating a dead horse but the root of all that is wrong at One Bills Drive over the last 15 years lies at the feet of these three men who know next to nothing about building a winning organization.


    I forgot to mention in Doug Marrone's introductory press conference, Russ Brandon referred to Ken Wisenhunt as "Wis."

    Russ you're a tool.

  3. Wow, you really nailed it. Here we were all thinking the Bills were going to be good this year. Thanks for opening our eyes. Still not too late to fire everyone and start over.




    I never said they should "fire everyone." My point was that I didn't think he should be participating in a Home Run Derby. Usually things like that are meant for athletes or celebrities.

  4. So the CEO of a company isnt supposed to make the team viable in the market it operates in? Guess I missed that day in business 101.


    Maybe you missed when he hired Buddy Nix, Chan Gailey and Mario Williams? PS Marv Levy hired Dickie J, Not Russ.


    Go back and watch film of this team 3 years ago and tell me were are not a better football team today.


    Last time I checked we won 6 games last year. 6 games. The previous 5 years win totals:


    2011- 6 wins

    2010- 4 wins

    2009- 6 wins

    2008- 7 wins

    2007- 7 wins

    2006- 7 wins

    2005- 5 wins


    7 straight losing seasons. I know it's a Bills fan's job to be optimistic every season as I try to be but are we even the 2nd best team in our division? I hope we improve this year, I really do. But in my opinion this team still has a lot of holes and I don't trust guys like Russ Brandon and Jeffrey Littman running the organization.

  5. If you dont think the Bills have improved since Russ Brandon got here you havent been paying attention


    I guess you're right, I haven't been paying attention. I can give him some credit for selling tickets and moving training camp. Ultimately he should be judged by the teams success on the field seeing that he is the CEO of the franchise. This being the case I think he has been a complete failure.

  6. I know this is a little off topic but who does this guy think he is participating in the AAA Home Run contest last evening? Was this event so hard up for "celebrities" that he makes the cut? Why does he even accept an invite to this?



    You're not a celebrity and stop acting like one until the Bills have shown some signs of success during your tenure.

  7. Good to have that few $$ million savings at the beginning of the year, wasn't it? To bad you're now down a few million at the end of the year because 15,000-20,000 fans won't bother showing up anymore. Nice job. Speaking of which, if you worked for any other industry, you'd be out on your can a long time ago.


    Darn shame that everyone else gets the blame for the sorry play of this team, except for you & Littman.


    I couldn't agree more. Jeff Littmann is the root of all problems at One Bills Drive, yet he conveniently keeps his name and picture out of the media. You're a weasel Little Jeffrey!

  8. Peeing his pants at the thought of having to extend Fitz, Johnson and Freddy to franchise style contracts.

    In my opinion all three are deserving and are the foundation of this high powered offense as this team continues to develop but Little Jeffrey would never give extensions to all three. Handing out high impact contracts to multiple players would clearly devalue an organization that should be for sale the moment Mr. Wilson passes. How do you think all three of these players feel now that Roscoe (who was supposedly in negotiations for an extension) is done for the year and will probably never play for the type of money had he not gotten injured? When one or more of these players fails to receive an extension you can point the finger solely in the direction of Little Jeffrey and his penny pinching ways.



  9. Ralph Wilson contended that Wade Phillips breached his contract by not firing his friend Ronnie Jones and he sued him so he didn't have to pay him the remaining years on his contract. There is no way in hell Wade Phillips would ever come back here while Ralph Wilson is still the owner.

    This is yet another sign of why we are a JV organization.


    Ralph + Littman = Losing

  10. For those that don't know this is his last year as GM of the Colts as his son Chris will be assuming the day to day GM duties. He is going to take an advisory role with the Colts (a la Parcells with Miami). He could conceiveably be hired away from the Colts for the right price and role but not here while Jeffrey Littman is still Ralph's right hand bean counter.

    Thank god Ralph kept Littman and fired Polian.

  11. We brought him here because both the Bills and his agent knew that there was not choice although the Dolphins would have grabbed him if we did not. He had just a couple of days to prepare and did well and played well for the entire time in Buffalo.


    We can say what we want about the Maybin pick, Trent starting ahead of Fitz, making average pass rushers cover backs and look like idiots and then giving them huge contacts, etc., but this is/was a mistake too. This guy started for us and played hard and is doing very well in Miami right now. To counter my point, TO is having a very good year as a Bengal, but it sure is fun watching late draft picks and undrafted fa's play well.


    I am pleased overall with where and what the Bills have done this year but this is a mistake on par with the others noted above.


    First off anyone would look a heck of alot better playing next to Jake Long. Secondly, we have Levitre and Wood starting so why would we pay a premium for a back up guard. We were in need of a RT and signed a very poor one. Right Tackle is and has been the real week spot on our line.

  12. I must admit that last offseason I would have jumped at the McNabb deal even with his low career completion percentage. But to see him benched in favor of Rex Grossman when the game is on the line speaks volumes about Shannan's confidence in this guy. It appears that deciding not to trade for him was the right move at this point.


    Kelsey must go.

  13. We should put Bills uniforms on all league players because they couldn't deliver a good lick if they tried. Seriously when is the last time a Bills defender has delivered a good clean hit that made you say ooooooooh? You would have to go back to the Leonard Smith days.

  14. They say fired. Thanks for the nice reference.


    With no one talking I am not sure we know. I recall at the time he said he quit.

    Bill Polian WAS FIRED by Ralph Wilson. This is because he did not get along with Jeffrey Littmann (Ralph's bean counter). Ralph wanted to fire Polian at the begining of 93 but was talked out of it by Marv Levy. He then FIRED Bill Polian after the Superbowl loss. Why anyone would try to defend Ralph or Littmann I have no idea. The root of this franchise's problems can be pinned on both of those morons. They have been the only constant over these last 30 years.

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