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Posts posted by HelloNewman

  1. ESPN.com news services


    With several of their other offensive stars locked up with new contracts, the Colts can focus on Edgerrin James, and Indianapolis owner Jim Irsay told ESPN's Chris Mortensen that the team is set to slap a franchise tag on James to prevent the running back from being a free agent.


    Irsay has the tag available after signing quarterback Peyton Manning and wide receiver Marvin Harrison to blockbuster deals, and his goal is to give James the big money, too.


    In fact, the Colts structured Harrison's contract with an eye toward retaining enough salary cap flexibility to keep James, who leads the team in rushing by more than a thousand yards. Before Sunday's game, James had run for 1,395 yards, Dominic Rhodes 201.


    Harrison agreed Dec. 8 to a seven-year, $67 million extension. Earlier this year, Manning signed a seven-year, $98 million deal that included a $34 million signing bonus.


    The Colts also have agreed in principle to a five-year, $17.5 million extension for receiver Brandon Stokley, ESPN.com's John Clayton confirmed Saturday.


    Irsay awaits his new stadium deal and a league labor extension to make a new contract easier to negotiate.





    Pretty soon all these contracts are going to catch up to them and they will be in cap hell. Restructuring Marvin's deal does not make thing better...just pushes the agony away temporarily for maybe a year or two.They will not be able to resign any soon-to-be free agents because they will have no cap room....good luck INDY you better win it all this year or next year or else you are the next 49er cap purge.....

  2. I finished most of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving and I feel good that I can relax.


    On my way home yesterday Eastview mall in Rochester was a traffic jam nightmare with no space to be had in the parking lot......I just smiled as I drove by knowing I was done and do not have to suffer with holiday stress.....


    Anyone else done? Or get their shopping done early like me?

  3. I once saw something that grossed me out.....I was at a Wal-Mart in my area and had to use the crapper and both stalls were taken. Giant store...2 stalls...go figure. Anyway out of one of the stalls comes this guy who looks like such a Gomer P Bumpkin who does not even bother to wash his hands and out the door he walks. The same hand that was used to open the door handle to exit was used to wipe his crappy ass 15 seconds go. YUCK.....needless to say after I washed my hands I used a paper towel to cover my hand while I opened the door to exit. No telling what this guy touched in the store with his feces hand......



    Another thing...what is it about people who do not bother to flush the john after going crap? I do not understand why people do that? You are taught that when you are 2 and going through potty training.......GRRRRRR

  4. 9. I think Willis McGahee, today, is one of the 10 best backs in football. And tomorrow he might be one of the five. He runs with power and enough shiftiness and speed to make big people miss. As much as I didn't like the drafting of McGahee because the Bills had Travis Henry, I must say Tom Donahoe's gut instincts on this kid were dead-on: McGahee is going to be a very good back in this league, and he improves the Bills at that position.

  5. Well...here comes black Friday again.....time to hear in the news how Mr. NoLife waits in line at Wal-Mart at 4:30am to get the chance to trample and kill some poor soul while racing to grab the 39.00 crappy DVD player on sale there. I wish people would just get a life...... I get so depressed watching idiots running in the stores when the doors open I cannot believe how our society sinks to new lows. :w00t:


    My wife and I are done with Xmas shopping...thank GOD!!!!

  6. I feel for you too....I used (note the word USED) to work in a hospital department of 80 people, 75 of them women. It was HELL!!! The thing I hated the most is when they would gossip to each other with their hands up against the other's ear like they were back in elementary school. GRRRRR!!! There were times I wanted to say" If you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all!!!" These women were such catty bitches I lasted 1 year and was gone. I kept totally silent and spoke only when asked a question first. If I tried to initiate conversation they all thought I was hitting on them and would go to my supervisor that I was harassing them ("so how was your weekend..what did you do?"). I guess trying to be friendly did not pay. Oh well...even my female supervisor thinks I got a raw deal with these bitches and understood why I left...to this day I am still friends with her.

  7. I got 3 things working for me which will help out when I retire....


    1) normal SS (obviously)

    2) The NYS retirement system- best you can get anywhere 50-60% of your highest average salary last 3 years and depending on years of service- 3% contribution biweekly taken out for 10 years

    3) NYS Deferred Comp program...4% taken out biweekly -stock and bond driven...we be 100,000 + when I retire....


    Things should work out just fine for me

  8. I am amazed how people are crying about this whole thing on ABC yet last night if you watched the last 15 minutes of LAX last night at 8:45pm you saw Heather Locklear and Blair Underwood makin bacon for like 10 minutes- I mean bucking and all!!! yet nobody says anything about that......... :)

  9. I cannot believe how this team thinks they are better than they really are. I do not understand the love affair with DB and how the coaches continue to defend knucklehead #1 of them all.


    Let's face it....the Pats o-line is freaking fantastic in how they handled our DLine. I have never seen so much time given for Brady to throw....watching them play is amazing....


    What I found interesting is how they constantly ran off the left tackle where Schoebel our 25 million dollar man got ridden like a pit bull on a poodle.


    Rest assured the Pats gave the rest of our opponents tape to study on how to beat us.


    This team came out flat and played with no passion.....it almost seemed like they knew they were going to get beat so why bother trying?


    This team is full of knuckleheads on the offense and paper tigers on the defense. Until they start winning road games and show some semblence of resiliency we are going nowhere....period.

  10. I saw this show last night as well. The mom and dad made a cute couple together.....they actually asked for a smaller bed so they can snuggle closer which I thought was cute...they met when they were 4 years old...imagine that!!! I think the Mom was funny with her facial expressions when they were tearing down the house and when she saw her house for the first time I was in tears......this family definately deserves it. This family was all time most deserving


    I also liked the fact they brought in all these teachers and specialists to help out and show the design team what it is like to be autistic and blind. If you also noticed when they were showing how the tracking device works they had a police officer there to operate it with the instructor so they know how to use it incase he leaves again. The devices in the house were awesome.


    What was ironic....the show was over at 9pm and I switched to the ESPN game and saw Ray Lewis and his dance of excess for making a tackle...after watching this deserving family with all their obstacles I turn on to see Ray Lewis dancing around like an overpaid athlete......just goes to show who has class and who does not.

  11. I just do not understand this country we are in.....I am all for democracy and free election and I am happy to be an American but I do not understand why this country has this huge love affair with him. All I can remember since he was president is the following:


    -2.18/gallon for gas with oil going above 50.00/barrell

    -The national debt is back with a fury

    -it is tougher to find a job these days...nobody's hiring

    -1000+ plus soldiers dead in Iraq- and still climbing (these are someone's children)

    -inflation skyrocketing out of control....been to the food store lately?

    - Osama bin Laden still not captured

    - economy is swirling the bowl


    I am grateful to get my 600.00 rebate check in the mail and I am glad my taxes are being lowered but I hope the american people did not vote for GW because of taxes. I am bothered by the fact he used the "terrorism" word to scare people into reelecting him as opposed to telling us what he can do to get us back on track and how to solve the problems we are in.


    I just do not understand why people love him so much.....I congratulate him on getting re-elected...however I hope people did not vote for him because of his party affiliation.....please educate me why he is so wonderful to so many people?


    "Because Kerry sucks" is not an answer I am looking for.....I am not asking to be flamed...just need an intelligent explanation....thank you.

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