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Posts posted by NFLBighits

  1. Based on a quick search it looks like below are the '10-'11 opponenets. With the current team, I'd guess 4-12 to 6-10 with and a total sweep from division foes. A solution at QB and the tackles/center would really be nice.



    Miami Dolphins

    New England Patriots

    New York Jets

    Cleveland Browns

    Pittsburgh Steelers

    Jacksonville Jaguars

    Chicago Bears

    Detroit Lions



    Miami Dolphins

    New England Patriots

    New York Jets

    Baltimore Ravens

    Cincinnati Bengals

    Kansas City

    Green Bay Packers

    Minnesota Vikings

    Oh Lord looks like 1 win out of the home games and 1 win out of the away games and can u say we will be in

    Top 3 for sure come draft day or the # 1 spot ! :wallbash: Oakland looks so much better :wallbash:

  2. Agreed to all the above. I like the fact a guy that spent 10 years seeing how a damn good franchise is ran, is coming in with NO ties whatso ever to our current players and cutting their worthless asses.


    As for as TO is concerned, Revis called TO a Scrub I believe. Said he is really easy to defend one on one. The guy is done, he isn't worth the money and isn't that good anymore.

    No he isn't good any more but Owens was R BEST Reciever last year so this means Evans really blows &

    A Moronic Statement <_<

  3. This guy wants out and doesn't seem happy and would look good in a Bills uniform !

    It was the fact that he was jettisoned from the starting lineup four games ago, which Umenyiora Said, it's an unbelievable situation" and "complete nonsense."


    He missed last season due to a knee injury and walked out of practice one day this past off-season due to a disagreement with defensive coordinator Bill Sheridan.


    Character might be in issue but dont know and would love to have this guy on are Team and what do you think he could be had for ?

  4. Does that cause total turmoil?? Seems to me I recall scouts contracts typically expire May 1st, so you're never in a poition of changing scouting type people two months before the draft. Firing them now, particually for Modrak would cause issues around how do you scout players for next Aprils draft? Seems I recall when TD came in the person who was responsiple for the draft stayed through the first one, then he left. Can't recall the name anymore but think he followed Butler to San Diego then.


    I think whoever the new GM is, we may see a similar thing for TM. The GM doesn't have to follow TM's suggestions either. But he can still use his scouting reports. On the other Guy could be fired anythime, thouhg probably best to wait until we have a new GM in place.


    Doesn't matter, still have the little scouts out on the road as we speak ! They can report to the new GM and then the little indians might be shown the door ! !

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