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Bleed Bills Blue

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Posts posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. I was thinking this on the way to work


    - from MMQB

    Standings of the AFC East this morning:

    Buffalo: 1-0

    Miami: 1-0

    New England: 1-0

    New York Jets: 1-0

    The defense is the real thing. If the offense can hold up its end—and really, you can say the same thing about any of the three AFC East challengers to New England—Buffalo will be in it till the end. That’s a big if, of course. It will depend on the maturation of Taylor. [QB play in general]

    Can't say I've ever seen a QB's first start where he played so poised and within himself. Luck, by contrast, often appeared a bit frazzled and frantic at times. Finally, the Bills have arrived at that perfect confluence of ownership, management, coaching and player talent it takes to hang with the big boys...the Bills are back, for real!

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