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Big Hurt

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Posts posted by Big Hurt

  1. Stevie was a talented receiver. He really cared about the Bills when he was playing here. So I hate it when people bad mouth him now. We all know now that Doug Marone was a jerk off. Whoever he couldn't work with was automatically cast aside. When things didn't work out, it may not always be the player's fault. With a good QB, I believe Stevie can still put up big number. Lets hope he doesn't sign with the Pats.

  2. We should save this for low news days.

    I think with the weapons we have, Cassel should be good enough to do the job. He is not great, but good enough. On EJ, I don't get why some fans are so quickly to dismiss him. He is how he was coached. Now he has a better coach. He can improve his mechanics through coaching. He can improve his accuracy through better mechanics. He can feel more comfortable with better protection. He will make better decisions when he is not being pressured. Whether he can become a great QB one day is up to him to work hard and learn from the coaches. I believe Rex knows what he is doing. If he think EJ should be kept then I am willing to give him a second look.

    No, I don't want Cutler or RG3. They both have character issues.

  3. Losing Marrone is no big deal. He is only an average coach. The best thing he did was hiring the two defensive coordinators. The offense under him was a mess: no running game, poor offensive line plays, couldn't improve EJ and had to turn the team to a career backup QB, and the list go on and on. He basically handcuffed Nat Hackett to a point that Nat wasn't allowed to run his own offense. His "personal" attention to the OL turned out to be a horror show. If he was going to stay with the Bills, a lot of fans would have been unhappy.

    In terms of the Pegulas being embarrassed by Polian, I think Polian made himself looking like an old fool. He basically admitted that he is too old to do anything too complicated. Do you still want this guy making critical decision for this team? Maybe he can't tie his own shoe laces anymore.

    There are other good football guys around. Pegulas have more resource than you can imagine. Don't worry about them. If Sullivan is so smart, why is he still writing for the same newspaper after all these years? Where is his "career" going? This loser missed beating on Ralph and he is trying to start a new chapter with the Pegulas.

  4. You would make the worst GM of the history of football. Fans in this area seem to always try to break up the team and reset. Yes, we have a great defense now. But it didn't happen by accident. It was built by drafting and making trades for known great players, while keeping our own star players. It was also done with spending money where makes a great impact. If the system is sound, I believe the defense will still be good. Steelers is a good example. Trading Watkins is so wrong in many ways. It is like Bengals trading AJ Green or Falcons trading Julio Jones for a 1st round pick. The purpose of drafting is to land a player like Green, Jones, and Watkins. Fix what is broken. You are not smart enough to build from scratch all the time. No GM is smart enough. Marv use to say that the most important thing is to sign your own free agents first because you already know them. We should always try to keep our star players. It is not a difficult concepts. Look at how great teams handle their personnel. They build the team around the stars. They don't use their star players as trade baits. When they trade a player, that is when they don't want a player or the player is no good to them. Then they will make another team thinks that the player is still great. That's how you play this mind game. That's how you build a winning program. No offense, if you are the GM of my team, I would want you fired by the end of the day.

  5. Now that Marrone is gone and Polian is not coming, it is unlikely that they will get rid of Whaley too. They may still find a football guy to come in as a consultant, but Whaley will have to find the next head coach. I am leaning towards a hot shot college coach. It is better than any recycle coaches.

  6. This list is terrible to pick from. I heard that Eli Manning and Kaepernick can be up for trade. They are my 1st and 2nd choices. If I have to pick from this list, i would take Sanchez. He was very promising coming out of USC, but the Jets has a way to ruin QB. He is already showing ability to play with the Eagles. I think he could work out with the Bills.

  7. I am too a hater of Schopp because of his negativity after the Pats game. I thought he was running a funeral service. So what the Pats winning streak again AFC was broken? He cared about it more than Bellichick. Maybe he should be a Pats fan. Often time he rambled on and on about the same thing, like when he spent the whole show promoting Jay Cutler. If any caller told him that Cutler was a loser, he would blast them away. I rather listen to Murphy, Joe B, or Sal.

  8. Orton fakes the ball to Summer then turn around and tosses the ball to Freddie. Freddie throws the ball down field and hits Lee Smith on the halmet. The ball goes straight up in the air and Mike Williams climbs the ladder to high point the ball. While in mid air, he finds Sammy trailing and pitches him the ball. Sammy dodges three defensers, then splits the safeties and runs down field. He then runs over the mascot and score.

  9. EJ is just not a good QB right now. His proper place is on the bench. He can still learn on the side line if he has potential. Ask Steve Young, Aaron Roger, and Tom Brady. There other 51 other players on the team all deserve a chance to make the playoff. The team cannot tell the rest of the players to give up the season for his development. Especially there is a better option on the bench. The Browns will definitely want us to keep EJ as a starter. I don't think we should.

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