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Posts posted by berndogg

  1. Honestly, it sounds like you had a crappy coach. The practice outside should have prepared you for what you could reasonably run, and what the competition could reasonably do, in those conditions. Had the game been played in bad weather, you should have been far more prepared.


    Now, if he had you running a fair weather game plan, then I understand why you thought the practice was useless. Good coaches (and managers) use the situation at hand as a teaching moment, to demonstrate what can be done, if/when you encounter the current conditions.

    Of course, if the whole week sucks outside, I understand doing what Marv did...have some practice inside and some outside. Be prepared!

    And the "had the game been played in bad weahter" part is a pretty broad statement. I mean, does practicing in 30 mph winds prepare you for 10 mph winds or vice versa, does practicing in light snow prepare you for a blizzard?

  2. Honestly, it sounds like you had a crappy coach.

    That is absolutely correct, the worst ever, and then of course he get's fired the year after I graduate and we start having winning seasons :cry: , but I digress. However, Tim's point about the time factor can't be stressed enough. When there's a broken play due to sloppy condidtions you have to run it again, and in really bad conditions, when that's happening frequently, it does take valuable time away.

  3. I played college football in rochester and we had to practice in blizzards a few times and it was completely useless. Slipping around, fumbled snaps, etc. don't add to your preparedness and put you at higher risk of injury. You're better off practicing indoors and seeing what the other team's plays look like when they're run correctly, watching the scout team trip over themselves does nothing for you. The way that bad weather is going to affect you from one day to the next is so unpredictable anyway. It's not like if a receiver slips on a route in practice it helps you because you know he's going to do it in the game.

  4. To elaborate on the original post, I think for teams, stats can be very telling in football as far as how well they match up against other teams, where they need to improve, how well they're going to do in the future, etc. etc. However, as far as stats for individuals go I think that in football more often than not they are misleading for the reasons mentioned above as well as a variety of others. In baseball, I think stats do a very good job of telling the story, there are a few exceptions, but in my opinion it's largely an individual game.

  5. Just out of curiosity, is your son a.) 6'4'' b.) 20 years old and does he c.) want to look like or d.) already look like the Aaron Maybin on the left? Link




    Maybin was also under the 24/7 care of a professional training outfit. *Results not typical*

    I put on about 15-20 lbs of muscle within a few months during the offseason after my freshman year of college football when I was 19 and I'm only 6'1", a lot of other kids I played with did too. Different kids fill out at different rates, but at that age its not all that rare.

  6. I was laughing at the pick at first because I'd never heard of him before, so I googled him to find out who the heck he was. I know highlight films have to be taken with a grain of salt, but he does look pretty badass. I mean if he would've been there in a later round its still a bad pick no matter how good he turns out to be, but sometimes that stuff can be very hard to tell.


  7. I really respect Tim. He gets it. Plus the other people quoted in his article seem to be pretty high on Peters too. Not a shock to me

    We're doooooooomed dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed, everybody run! IfI remember correctly the colts did pretty well with a mid 1st round rookie left tackle recenty, cleveland's offense looked pretty good with joe thomas too, Jets made the playoffs in D'brickshaw furgeson's rookie year (while aaron schobel treated him like his redheaded stepchild), i don't have time to look up other examples, but I'm just saying having a rookie or unproven left tackle doesn't mean the qb is going to get decapitated. I dont think the line will end up being all that much worse than it was last year (with peters having an off year). Maybe it wont be nearly as good as it would've been with peters, maybe peters injuries/attitude will do him in and will be happy we got rid of him, but hopefully the FO uses the extra money/draftpicks wisely (I know, I know that's a huge assumption), and make the the best of it. I love Tim Grahmam, but the scouts inc guy is being a little too apocolyptic about the whole thing, I'm still willing to wait and see before I jump out the window.

  8. i believe they offered him $8-10 million.

    Exactly, all the people saying "of course he was mad, he was the 21st highest paid LT, the 3rd highest paid OL on the team, etc." need to keep that in perspective. The bills did offer him a big contract, just not big enough. Obviously, any time you sign someone to a mega deal with huge guaranteed $ it's a risk. However, if you're going to make someone the highest paid (or top 2 or 3) at their position, you'd rather have it be a deal like peyton manning, or larry fitzgerald, or ed reed, or brian urlacher got. A guy who's still in their prime, but has proven that they are a star and a team leader. Peters had 1.5 great seasons and one average season. He also showed himself to be a bit of a malcontent, and somewhat injury prone. I wouldn't be shocked if he does prove to be a top LT for the next few years, but I'm not sure I'd pay 11.5 per yr to find out either, too many question marks.

  9. I'm somewhat lukewarm. On one hand, when peters plays up to his potenetial he can be flat out dominant. If you can lock up a dominant LT for the prime of his career, it is definitely worth it to pay him, no question about it. However, the Ross Tucker article talking about how some guys stop working as hard once they get a ton of guaranteed money comes to mind (the one where he talks about Mike Williams without naming him.) The way peters had been acting lately, I don't know if I fully trust that he stays hungry after he gets his big pay day, and say at best case it is a risk. It's crazy how in a matter of a couple years the general perception of peters went from the underdog undrafted FA who worked his butt off, did all the right things and made himself into an all pro LT to a spoiled selfish me first baby. The reality is somewhere in between, and I can see the merits of both the argument to pay him and the argument to trade him. However, there's no question that giving him a huge contract would've been a very significant risk given the way he acted and played last year. Here's to hoping that the 28 pick ends up being a future hall of famer and we can all laugh about this in a couple years.

  10. I'll definitely reserve judgement until I hear the details. A disorderly conduct citation is 100% the cops discretion, I've seen people get those for doing literally nothing wrong. A cop wanting to get his name in the paper for giving one to an NFL player definitley wouldn't surprise me. Maybe donte was out of line and did deserve the charge, but I'm not not going to assume that he has done anything illegal until more facts come out.

  11. I still think its cool to see people talking about the bills, especially in march and april. The huge ESPN ticker on top of ABC studios had "T.O. reports to voulantary workouts in buffalo" running across it the other day, when I passed it on the way to work I couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

  12. I did much researched on this site and yes they are made in China obviously they are not the "REAL DEAL" but they are (from what I have hear) very close. As everyone mentioned they are cheap but then you tie in the $30-$50 shipping it doesn't make it such a good deal. Some offer free shipping though if you order at least 10 jerseys. I got some of my football friends together and we are buying a lot of 10 jerseys and they are going to run us $230, $23 a person. I have 6 friend that are going in on it so I will have 4 extra jersey's to get rid of. If anyone wants one let me know asap I have not placed the order yet. I will sell them for $30/each plus like $3 shipping (I live in Atlanta, GA). I will take Paypal so your money is backed up, I am not trying to screw anyone just want to get them off my hands and get a jersey for cheep or free :angry:

    If no one wants to go in on it I am just going to order 4 extra TO jerseys and take them to the bar here that all the Billsbackers hang out at and offer them to fans, I am sure I will be able sell them. Anyways let me know if you want to order any? they have TO, Poz, Edwards, Lynch, Whitner and Hardy (it is #81 though) :lol: ALso let me know your size they have M,L,XL and XXL.


    You can email me at tbssimpson@gmail.com


    PS. I know his belongs in the trading post but come on its the off season do you think anyone will really see it.

    There's a guy in hoboken who buys giants jerseys in bulk from there and sells em outside the sports bars on sundays for 50 bucks each, they do look good. To my untrained eye they look no different than the jerseys you'd pay a lot more for at the store. I have friends that have bought them and they dont fall apart or anything like that, I think its a good deal. I'm thinkin about getting a johan jersey from there for baseball season. THIS IS OUR YEAR GO METS!

  13. No need to close the thread because the original post was not very well presented or thought out (more reverses as a mainstay of the offense? overuse of reverses is one of the reasons the current offense needs to be retooled). Some of us see the advent of TO as a good excuse for us to make the offense more potent and since the stats (Bills ranking well in the lower third of the league consistently in many offensive categories whether under Fairchild or Schoenert) indicate a retooling is essential any excuse will do.


    The Bills problems are not simply poor schemes (as I said given a far more productive #2 WR even the current schemes we use should work better) but the specific ways the Bills choose to run routes does not seem to get them the separation that one would expect given the blazing speed of players like Evans and Parrish or to produce more from RBs as receivers when the RBs are more productive receivers elsewhere (Lynch in college and even Willis was a more productive pass catcher in Balt than he was here).


    If the coming of TO gets the Bills to run more slant plays, make more use of pics (I'd rather we get s few more penalties in exchange for a few more touchdowns, and more uses of crossing patterns, this would be a good thing.


    The primary fallacy of the initial post is that it seems to maintain that because we do not want to force the youngsters to learn something new, we should keep right on doing something that has not been effective in producing receptions, yardage, or TDs.


    I think you raise a good point in that the question is: Don't you want the O to change? I think most Bills fans do and if TO is the excuse for doing this then so be it.

    The original post was poking fun at people who seem to be nit picking to find a problem with this very low risk, high potential reward signing. I think that it's quite obvious that this signing gives us an array of offensive options that we didn't previously have and I'm excited about it.

  14. He's a big target who will be on the field presumably almost every down on offense, which should help the move the chains.

    Moving the chains is extremely detremental to a fg/punt oriented scoring attack. Attempting to move the chains represents an entirely new offensive philosophy. I'm worried that this change in philosophy will halt the progreesion of our young offense.

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