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I hate the Bills !

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Posts posted by I hate the Bills !

  1. In the short term the guy has a point...


    Kelsay, Fitz, Williams, and now Pears. Meanwhile Fred and Stevie are on the back burner. When you look at the ratio of African American players vs white players, seems a little odd.



    Freddie is the heart and soul of this team on Offense that's for sure. He was having a Pro Bowl season before he got hurt and he deserves more money.

    Frankly I don't see the Bills giving him a new contract, I see them giving him a Bonus for performance, due to his age and the fact that in 2 years he will likely not be playing at the level he is at now and you know the Bills they are stingy.

  2. Brady, Manning, Breeze, Rothesburger are Elite.


    Fitz is a 60 million dollar guy that isnt as good as Jim Kelly,on 2/3 of the NFL teams he would be the Backup !


    Its just that the expectations are so low in the Buffalo, that anyone better than Trent, JP or Kelly Holcomb or Billy Jo Hobert are considered Elite.


    FItz is solid, Frank Reich Solid, you can win with him, but not every week and he needs lots of help from the rest of the team, he isnt gonna win you games by himself.

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