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Posts posted by Thailog80

  1. Pro Line helmets... the Real Deal, Same As the Pros Wear On-field... not the 'Full-Size' replica things... for $165?? Wow. You're the guy to call. But I'd want to see how the uniform situation plays out in the next few years before getting something like that. (Just FYI, Do they have a ProLine in the throwback?)


    And yes, those silver Sharpies look great on photos and helmets.



    Yes...Pro Lines for 165.00 Red and Throwbacks. NOT Replicas.

  2. If you need something for camp let me know. I can get great prices on Pro Line Helmets, Mini helmets, Official footballs, 8x10 or 16x20 photos. I can ship them cheaply or I can meet you at camp with whatever you might need. I would ask a weeks notice to get them.


    Please PM with any questions. A couple guys asked me today about helmets.....I can get the 64-65 for 20.00 each....(28.00 in the pro shop)


    Pro Lines......165.00 (258 pro shop)


    I can beat anyone on eBay...anyone.


    Also if you have any questions about autographs please ask. Even if it's as simple as what Sharpie works best please ask.

  3. Kruk is ok?  Let's see, last year he predicted 30 wins for Randy Johnson.  This year he predicted 130 wins for the Yankees... finishing 2nd in the AL East.  I won't even mention the fact that he's a bumbling idiot (wait, I just did).  If this is the kind of analysis you're looking for from Baseball Tonight, then I guess he would be ok.


    A little change of subject here, does anyone else hate the fact that they now do a countdown for the webgems.  It was so much better when they would argue over which play was the best.  Unfortunately, espn had to go and take a great show and turn it into "Sportscenter: Baseball".



    Shut up or I'll have that chick bring her kid to work all next week. :)

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