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nick in* england

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Posts posted by nick in* england

  1. I love the differences of opinion on this board and the discussion this brings about, but g'damn if I'm not getting annoyed with these posts that say, "blah blah blah and if you don't think so YOU DON'T KNOW FOOTBALL!"


    As if there is one way of doing anything and if you think differently, you're just a f'in moron.  WTF, can't you just state you g'damn opinion without calling others f'in names?  Or are the people who say this crap that insecure about their opinions that you have to try to head off any debate on the issue?  Or have they just gotten so used to the way things are done over on the politics board?



    You, sir, do NOT know football.... :angry::blink::blush:

  2. To add to the third down conversion thing.  We ran the ball, so insted of it being 3rd at 7 it was 3rd. and 4 or less.  That is one thing that I did really like about the game. 




    Well said - i think that right there is one HUGE positive over last season.

  3. See previous TMQs. Blitz Wacky packages don't often help team out when they have played conservative D throught the game. Going Blitz Wacky at that point could have hurt us more. I don't know what formation we were in at that point, but the DL needs to get a good pass rush even late in the game. Clearly they didn't do this.

  4. If we are talking about the goal line stance. We should have run it again. Drew isn't going to bootleg or anything like that b/c he's too slow.


    He's outdated and we have to play smashmouth. Otherwise, expect these types of games all year.


    Exactly - lets not kitty out of smashmouth football with a PA Pass on a roll out on 3rd down... <_<


    Don;t get me wrong - Jax are a good D and we did well in places. (We are not billsfanone). But we clearly need to do better than this.

  5. That's true.  Last year you all would have called for Golbride's head if he threw on first down and ran on second and third, instead of the other way around.  The only way to please you is to score a touchdown, and that unfortunately does not happen on every play.


    No no and no. Run 3 times in that situation. The football gods would have rewarded us if we did the sensible thing and smashed it up the middle on 3 tries. They would not have let the who-dat TE make a catch in triple coverage and we would have won. You have to appease the football gods.

  6. This may be a harsh post - but I have a busy day, I am mad, and I only have 5 minutes to post.


    1. Goalline stand. Play calls. 1st Down from the 2: Run. 2nd Down from the 2: Run 3rd down from the 1: PA Pass - Sack. Figgie. WTF was that about??? Pass on first down - the PA would be perfect when they expect the run. NOT ON F*CKING 3RD DOWN :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . That series blew the game for me when we should have gone a TD and a FG up and really failed to make the most of a great INT. The football gods frowned when Drew dropped back and they wreaked vengence on the 45 yard pass in the final 2 minutes. That series was pure Killdrive - Mularky and Clements need to review the history books.


    2. Izell Reese. Leftwich's pass at the end of the game was a duck. In f*ucking triple coverage some who-dat TE makes a catch? WTF??? Izell :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Make a play on the goddamn ball - jump - get to the TE - do anything that flap around like a wingless chicken. <_<


    3. Fans - Yay!! I could barely hear the commentary on the radio - good for trying to lift the team.


    4. Moulds - good man - back on proper form again!!!


    5. TBD - let the meldown commence.

  7. Hey nick


    If you are military call the mwr and they will come and put a dish on the house for you for FREE!


    If your not military get a Free to air receiver and point any type of dish to Galaxy 7  58/27 degrees (just do a seach online,  really easy to do!  That sat carries all the AFARTS channels.  Or get a military roomate and they can get the afarts to you!


    thanks - I actually work for the british Ministry of Defence - and i tried to get one thru work - but no dice :lol:


    i'll try using my digital satellite to pick up the channels.

  8. So what are saying Nick?  That we could have signed him for Grant Wistrom or even Jevon Kearse money and you would have been just as happy?



    Well yeah I would actually. But what i was in fact getting at was the fact that the contract is not that huge. it will be renegotiated after 2 or 3 years for sure... not a huge contract really.

  9. ahhhh football season is back and the inane ICE posts return :lol: yay


    WRs get better by being developed steadily like any other player - bringing their confidence along steadily at the same time.


    MM has shown smarts by going with veteran guys who clearly have produced well in preseason and camp. after all - what has evans shown us except how to drop balls?

  10. OK - so the Bills play live on AFRTS and this is my only shot at seeing regular live Bills games in the UK.


    Anyone know how to get hold of an AFRTS decoder or where AFRTS programming is shown in the UK??



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