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Posts posted by SoCal

  1. SoCal.... I wish i was as unintelligent as yourself, and have a low enoughs elf-esteem to stoop to your level, however I won't.  I'm not from Buffalo, so don't categorize me in this gene pool.  It is believed that when a person like yourself comes out and criticzes people for no apparent reason, your actual criticisms are your own weakest characteristics.  Are you ashamed of your job, feel you are uglier than average.  Somebody who is confident does not need to put down others and doesn't get easily agitated such as yourself.  So in that respect I will treat you as if you are one of my 15year old students.  1st, I have been a part of this board since late 2000, i didn't feel the need, nor did I have the desire to respond or post topics until I became fed up with there play a couple years ago. 2nd, if you ask any lawyer his opinion on what transpired, most of the fault falls on Artest (a hothead) his entire career, Jackson, Jones, and Oneal.  Artest is the moron who charged into the stands essentially tresspassing and assaulting the wrong dude.  So lets put it this way, if you are at a sports game, and the idiot next to you throws a cup of beer at your away team, and a hothead player flys into the stands and hits you,  how will you react???  I would defend myself and sue the stevestojan out of him.  Secondly don't assume that Artest can take every American male because that is not the case with myself, nor many other people.  I will stand by my viewpoint, and it will be shown to be true once the league hands out their judgements, Ben Wallace will be suspended for x# of games, and a small fine just for being the instigator, Artest will be heavily fined, sued, and suspended for x# of games, Jermaine O'neal will be less than Artest, but will be in trouble for sucker punching the fan.  If a beer gets thrown on you, there is in no way you can plead self-defense by attacking the wrong dude, I'm sorry.  What he did was wrong, plain and simple. He was in no physical danger, beer is not poisonous.


    No hard feelings SoCal, but grow the F up


      Well Wussy I guess you Dropped to my level HaHaHaHa. I'm not edumakated like you but I have been around the block. I love my job I honestly do. I'm I ugly no, good looking no. Aren't you the one that is criticzing the players? And I guess you are not putting me down.

      Now lets get into this 15 year old thing. It sounds like you are the one that does not like his job. Over worked under paid? I thought so. Me I love my job. What are you teaching are kids today? That it is alright to throw things and NO the rent a cops are not going to stop people from throwing things. One in ten maybe. Now you are teaching them if you are wrong to go ahead and Sue Sue Sue Sue. You are a pig for that aloan. So what of the two retards that ran out on the floor. No I thought you would over look that. So the guy that got stomped said he was not apart of the problem. Hmm I think I would say the same thing to. Sorry officer I was not speeding. Yea right.

      So what is not ok to throw in your classroom? Spit balls Oh yea your eyes. How about paper air planes ? Eyes again. Sneakers No Books no How about a beer. No we cann't have that at school. So what CAN WE THROW YOU F-ING MORON. WHAT? Please I think the parents of your students would love to know for the upcoming season.

    Stop while you are a head. Go beat your ACLU card some where else.

    Love SoCal.

    PS Please don't sue me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    PSS You know why the democratics have a donkey? Jackmule


  2. That is FUNNY


    "Note: Hands down, funniest part of the night: That same guy was yelling and cheering and whatever else at Artest until the last second - so right as Artest gets up to his row and pulls his fist back, this guy's face goes from "When does Ben get to shoot his free throws" to "How soon can I get a load of laundry done... because I'm all out of clean underwear."


    Thanks jwolf2

  3. See you have to laugh sometimes. Well I have to get some work done.


    One more thing. If you think that security was going to stop that you need to go to more events. They are there to stop some people not hundreds and if you think that they would have caught that guy who threw the beer you are sadly mistaken.

  4. Thanks BF, You GIRLY BOYS are unbeleivable. Artest and company should have kicked the **** out of thoughs guys.

    To silvernred. I've had my share of a$$ kicking in my life. And I know who to F with and Whom not to. And I never said I was a tough guy. But guys that have to say they are, are usally not. Like you said " Everyones tough on the net". So it was wrong to throw things what would you have the players do. Grab your little pink umbrella and say please stop, your scaring me. Or wait for that fat guy in the yellow jacket who is wetting himself to help.

    Yo tgreg99 You are wrong, I hate seeing posters that are being morons. You are just wasting time typing.

    The problem is that there are to many ACLU card carriers out there. People have to start fighting for what is right and not for the wrong. One guy is going to ruin it for the rest of us. You have tens of thousands of people in the stands and a couple of guys start throwing things. So the few are ruling the many. The fans should have stopped at for any of the players got up there. But the players have every right to stop things from being thrown at them. First it is a cup. Then what? I saw a chair fly threw the air. Was it a player or fan? If it was only a cup this time what is next? To get your head kicked in, see Raiders vs steelers game or someone get stabbed see Chargers vs Raiders. The players are only protecting themselves.


    You know the next time your kid is acting up, all you have to do is look in the mirror. They are just acting like the parent. So look in the MIRROR people. I just did and I saw some things I don't like too!

  5. Now if you three girly men were working @ walmart (I forgot, with your gene pool you already do) and I started throwing crap @ you, wouldn't you try to defend yourself or are you going to run behind mamas skirts?

    Just because these guys are paid alot of $$$$'s and you bought a ticket does not give you the right to assault them. There is a reason they are professional athletes. They are bigger, stronger and faster just to name a few. If you don't want them coming after you, DON'T F WITH THEM AT THE GAME. If you are an innocent bystander, you should think about moving to the exit when they start for the stands. If the kid was only 16 that threw the cup, his parents should be kicking his a$$ and taking his allowance and giving it to the players for just being stupid. But the parents will see a big pay check and sue, along with the other 60,000 retards at the game.

    If you look @ OT Pistons-Pacers thread you will see that stussy109,silvernred and tgreg99 have member #'s over 3000. As I have always said, If your member # is over 1500 you are just looking to start ****.

    Maybe this board can have a maxium occupancy. It's starting to get dangerous in here with some of the comments on this board.

  6. First of all I call horse crap. So what if the Pats were in the big game. You always hire the best person for the job, Right. TD blew twice now. If the Pats OC or DC were avaible you take them. They could have gotten a short list of Assitant to TD somehow.

    Now watch as the Phish take one of them and we are standing there saying we should had him, as the Phish kick our butts the next two to three years.

  7. Why in the hell didn't TD hire OC Charlie Weis or DC Romeo Crennel? In my opinion they are the best 2 coaches to hire last year. Also why in the hell didn't he hire Lewis or Fox two years ago? It baffles me that there were four excellent OC or DC out there and we get two guys that can talk well in an interview. I'm guessing that Crennel and Weis will be gone after this year and we will be stuck with MM for next year. Then who?

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