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Posts posted by SoCal

  1. I don't think RW is a cheap owner. The team is always close to the top of the cap for any given year. And correct me if I am wrong, but don't players get paid by the spot they were drafted. Isn't that why players usually are signed in packs, meaning that if #10 signs on Monday #9 will sign on Tuesday and so on. So if the BB drafted one of the QB's they would still get #8$'s or close to it, right!!!

    And back in the Kelly heydays, before free agency RW and the BB were always one of the top payrolls for the league.

    So someone please tell me way you think RW is a cheap owner?

  2. In my option the first four players ,in no order are, Bush gone, D'Brick gone, Williams gone and one of the QB's will be gone. Hawk and Davis will be gone when the Bills pick also. So who will it be? I say Marv and Co. pick Justice for the simple fact that Marv and Co put the spin on Justice when they said he is not a top ten pick, So they pick him.

    If the I had my pick of any player I would take Veron Davis. I believe he is going to be a HoFer some day.

  3. Yo Corp000085

    KICKER #MISSED 20/29 30/39 40/49 50+

    Graham 4 2 1 1

    Longwell 4 1 2 1

    Hanson 4 1 3

    Reed 5 1 1 3

    Akers 5 1 3 1

    Dawson 5 2 3

    Brein 5 1 2 1 1

    Kaeding 5 2 1 2

    Cundiff 6 4 2

    Christie 6 2 3 1

    Scobee 7 3 2 2

    Rackers 7 2 1 4

    Andersen 4 2 2

    Elam 5 1 3 1

    Carney 5 3 1 1

    Vanderjagt 5 2 2 1

    Lindell 4 1 1 2



    So Awhole, I did research and here there they are. Looks about average to me.



    Buckeye Bill

    So what are the #'s to the Loto. And did you see that missed blocked Lindell had on that PS TD late in the game.


    And to Thurman Helmet

    In 1998 Gary Andersen made 35 out of 35 FG for the year, But he missed his last one in the NFC championship game.


    sh-- Happens


    And to all the rest if you can do better, set down the beers and Twinkees and try out for the damn team or sit back and have some fun. If you don't like the product DONT WATCH.

  4. Lets research before we start hammering Lindell. He missed four FG. One that would have made the game a tie against JJ, 42yarder . Two that we won a 43 and a 38 yarder and the one against the PS we still would have lost anyways.

    So lets look at some of the other kickers in the league.



    Graham 4

    Longwell 4

    Hanson 4

    Reed 5

    Akers 5

    Dawson 5

    Brein 5

    Kaeding 5

    Cundiff 6

    Christie 6

    Scobee 7

    Rackers 7

    Now for some big name Kickers

    Andersen 4

    Elam 5

    Carney 5

    Vanderjagt 5


    So stop the crying. He is just as good as the rest of them.

  5. Lets research before we start hammering Lindell. He missed four FG. One that would have made the game a tie against JJ, 42yarder . Two that we won a 43 and a 38 yarder and the one against the PS we still would have lost anyways.

    So lets look at some of the other kickers in the league.



    Graham 4

    Longwell 4

    Hanson 4

    Reed 5

    Akers 5

    Dawson 5

    Brein 5

    Kaeding 5

    Cundiff 6

    Christie 6

    Scobee 7

    Rackers 7

    Now for some big name Kickers

    Andersen 4

    Elam 5

    Carney 5

    Vanderjagt 5


    So stop the crying. He is just as good as the rest of them.

  6. Damn what and the hell are you talking about. We have some good young receivers. EM is getting up there in age. We are not going to win the SB with some of the guys we have. I was just asking for your opionion. So don't trade EM. What would you do?

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