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Posts posted by ronnieroscoe

  1. You are making this way too simple---you can not base stats size and 40 times, as only criteria for draft position. Sure it is important, but you have to know there is more to it. Obviously you watched Roosevelt routinely dominate at mac level, but you need to see Gilyard to realize what he is all about. At the pro level the difference is the ability to separate from the defender. Gilyard has explosiveness unlike anyone (other than maybe mccluster) in the draft. Taking nothing away from Roosevelt and it is not just big east vs mac, were talking about two straight BCS bowl games (sugar this year) vs the international bowl. How many mac db's are getting drafted, Roosevelt is a talent and to be thought about being drafted is quite an accomplishment. Another note is there have been questions regarding Roosevelt and his ability to use hands and catch the ball with proper technique that did not help his stock at all. I would not bet against the kid from making a team. Bottom line not fair to him to compare him to Gilyard, who quite frankly would be a first rounder if he had a little more size...you asked, hope that helps explain

  2. interesting in AFC East match ups this year...the underdog has covered in all five games--and won outright in four out of five--the only loser was Bills not holding on versus Pats. Bills were favored at Miami and lost. Jets favored at Miami and lost....Pats were favored at Jets and lost...of course Sunday was the 4th outright winner...just food for thought when laying down you cash

  3. Completely agree.Its nice to hear comments that make sense.Very inbiased and intelligent announcing.


    Hold the applause. after the TD to Owens, Moose said Trent throws the ball with a different trajectory when throwing to TO. It was as asinine a comment any color man has ever made.

  4. by the way Lori---here is the post--if you are going to pull quotes pull the entire quote not what fits you....


    I hate people on this site that act as if they are "in the know" about players, but that being said I do know that JP has had no recent calls, no interest and will not be playing ever again in the NFL, barring a team having an incredible run of injuries at the QB position (and that probably won't be enough). If anyone calls he may not even accept an offer to tryout..this is not me guessing this is what JP feels about his own future. Go ahead and rip me if you wish, but he is still living in Buffalo and is actually exploring business ventures in the area. He actually is counting on the five years of service in the league and collecting a pension in 25 years. Kind of sad considering he has a cannon for an arm...you would have thought someone could teach him the game.



    if you think my post was wrong because he signed in the UFL..you are on an island, alone. I could have updated with the information that he was going to join the new league but why bother. So the Dean could call me an idiot? He decided what the hell--against most people's advice and joined a new league...the point was he wasn't getting any attention from the NFL and was not going to play with a team. I guess I overrated your intelligence.

  5. You wrote that he was done with football, not just the NFL: "If anyone calls he may not even accept an offer to tryout..this is not me guessing this is what JP feels about his own future. Go ahead and rip me if you wish, but he is still living in Buffalo and is actually exploring business ventures in the area."


    So how did that work out for you?


    really? Your defense is he signed in the UFL...please hold your responses in the future and quit embarassing yourself...thanks you just validated my point about this site becoming a joke

  6. this board is a joke--four or five months ago I write that Losman was done (I don't post often, so look it up) 8 pages later everyone was ripping me for being an idiot...I said he would not play in the nfl, no back up, no sniff...God forbid I said I knew him and I had this information....two months after the post-it comes out that he is playing in the UFL, I was completely correct--Steely Dan, The Dean, even Lori took turns taking shots at shots at me (just sayin). I was called a jerk, the worst kind of poster, etc..now Losman is out of the league everything I posted was correct yet the same people complain about those who take shots at posters....and really all I see is were trying to be was funny, not personal attacks like the shots the above threw my way....


    before you start tossing people out look at yourselves....and re-read my post

  7. No, Dean was right, and you're wrong, and it's pretty obvious.


    I looked at your articles, Ronnie, and while they are well-done, neither displays any inside knowledge whatsoever.


    Here, for instance, is a Bledsoe article that predated yours by four hours. link: http://www.upi.com/Sports_News/2005/02/16/...22021108585335/


    So if you are the source, you should have other evidence that you have been the first on a story in the past. You have none. So you have no credibility.


    your time frame are when they were posted on the web dude--the article was in print a week before they dropped bledsoe...

    the beast isn't on line immediately--after print...


    the date is listed on the article

  8. Big difference between "there's no interest from NFL teams right now" -- which Tim said earlier in the month, by the way -- and "Losman will never play again."


    how about just admitting that maybe what I said is possible instead of making wise remarks...why can't we all just get along...I love the Bills and in fact I think JP is a good guy, he just isn't getting any attention...I thought someone would take a shot on his right arm, but no one is....I am surprised about what i found out recently and posted it....


    I stand behind my post...you say potato..I (just) say(in) JP never plays again...

  9. I know three people on this board (and another who hasn't posted here in a while) who I'd trust without question if they posted something about Losman's future plans.


    None of them appear in this thread.


    Just sayin'.


    he Lori your boy Tim graham agrees with me

    does he count?

  10. I fail to see how these articles support your credibility.


    I wrote the article--dated 2/9 for the Buffalo Beast--the commentary states that Losman will be the starter and there would be no competition between Bledsoe and JP. There was no one stating this at that time--any column talked about having an open competition for the position and making sure JP had a chance versus Bledsoe..some discussed the Bills releasing Bledsoe


    the Bills did not announce they were releasing Bledsoe for another week...at that time they obviously named JP the starter---my story was published a week earlier--check the dates... check any other newspaper--no one had anything like my story--and it was a week before any announcements--my sources are the same today...


    hope that helps you see how the article support my credibility

  11. so you know for a fact that no teams have even remotely contacted JP's agent? How? Just a fair question



    I never said no one remotely contacted---I said at this point there is no interest and nothing in the works

  12. Hold on a second. I have inside information that he has received plenty of interest and that he is weighing his options. He's trying to decide between the Vikings and the Panthers and he's having a really difficult time with it.


    Now, I'm not calling you a liar, but since we both have conflicting inside information one of us has to be wrong. Like you, I could post information to make myself more credible but I choose not to.


    This is a very interesting scenario. Two people with equally sound, yet opposite, inside information. I think JP is throwing one of us for a loop!


    I don't post much, and I am sorry I posted this---


    I could care less at this point...I really don't need to prove anything...I'm don't doubt someone telling you whatever you heard as well, I know my information is correct. I could tell you he is my cousin, my neighbor, my lover, whatever--as of May 27, 2009 he is done--and for that matter so am I.

  13. Link?


    The truth is, you know nothing of what interest Losman has, or hasn't, garnered. You are a the worst kind of poster. One who claims to have inside knowledge, when they are clueless. Come with evidence, or prepared to get blasted.


    Hey dean--let me correct you...the worst kind of poster is one who attacks when he has no idea if he is right or wrong. You assume I have no information..and call me clueless when in fact, you have no idea if I have as you call "inside information"-- that would make your point baseless and to some clueless.


    if it makes you feel better to state I have no knowledge fine, it doesn't bother me if you doubt me...in fact it makes sense. Take it or leave it I really don't care. But there are worse posters. Just tell me you don't believe it, don't make yourself look like an idiot telling me I don't know what I am talking about. You don't have to be Tim Graham to know people who live in Buffalo. It is not that big a deal. We are talking about JP Losman. All I am telling you is no one is interested in him, he lives in Buffalo, he has no plans to play in the NFL next year and he is exploring business opportunities here. What do you want his mothers maiden name? Would that really make my post credible? I don't need to explain myself, there is no link, I am the source.


    I thought it might interest some fans to know the deal...I have better things to do then to make up some stupid post.



  14. With that being said, I do think JP will play in the NFL again. I would think somebody who needs a back QB would sign him. If anything due to a injury or something.


    everyone thinks that---the point of the post is that is not the case...no one wants him

  15. Why is it that you "Hate" other people who are in the know but it's okay when you are in the know? Are you jealous because the guy you are in the "Know" with sucks?


    yeah, it would have been nice if he was good!! But he's not so this is all I got.

  16. I hate people on this site that act as if they are "in the know" about players, but that being said I do know that JP has had no recent calls, no interest and will not be playing ever again in the NFL, barring a team having an incredible run of injuries at the QB position (and that probably won't be enough). If anyone calls he may not even accept an offer to tryout..this is not me guessing this is what JP feels about his own future. Go ahead and rip me if you wish, but he is still living in Buffalo and is actually exploring business ventures in the area. He actually is counting on the five years of service in the league and collecting a pension in 25 years. Kind of sad considering he has a cannon for an arm...you would have thought someone could teach him the game.




    this was added after much questioning of my comment

    maybe this helps with my "credibility"

    this article was written and published 2/9/05

    bills released bledsoe one week later


    first link is story I wrote for the Buffalo Beast


    link two is confirmation on date of Bledsoe release









    maybe this will get people off my back

  17. The "fans" the NFL is trying to sell tickets to the Super Bowl is purely corporate. It has very little to do with weather for game day. Golf, fishing, sunshine, and outdoor activities that are available in February, etc are the normal qualifiers. They throw a bone to owners that build new domed Northern stadiums now and then, but most of the people that attend those games will admit they suck in comparison to the warm weather games. It is that simple case closed, lets move on to a relevant topic....

  18. so mcghee and youbouty never get hurt?? How about every year...did you ever think they may have had enough with ashton? at least he played at USC--we have reggie corner who could not even get invited to combine from the mac, drayton florence who stole money from jags--when did these guys become solid locks at the corner position...let himn get in the mix, see if he can contribute and/or play specials and make the team better

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