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Posts posted by Fingon

  1. Darby's been our best corner in training camp per Carucci:




    Ronald Darby putting a stranglehold on a starting spot: Opportunity is knocking, and Ronald Darby seems inclined to answer. With Leodis McKelvin still bothered by the ankle he broke last season, Darby is getting a great deal of work as a starting cornerback. And the rookie is performing exceptionally well. Through two practices, he has an interception, a near pick-off and multiple pass break-ups. He has clearly been the Bills' best cover corner in camp.



  2. I'd think the Bills would still be very interested in acquiring a guard the caliber of Mathis. He'd be a big upgrade. They're just way beyond the point of being able to afford him.

    Probably very little interest actually. Mathis is a zone blocking guard, which we played last year. This year they are using power blocking schemes, which don't fit Mathis' game at all. He's one of the lightest guards in the NFL.

  3. I hope it's not true, but when someone makes the election its better to flee and abandon their vehicle it often means they had some kind of contraband on them

    It's because fleeing and abandoning the car can be the best legal course of action. The prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Spikes was driving, which is hard to do when he can just say a relative was. At that point it becomes very hard to pin it on anyone. Civilly he's !@#$ed, however, as they only use the more probable than not standard. I'd expect Spikes not face any criminal charges and just settle with the family.

  4. In this case, its definitely bad. Players get suspended for smoking weed. I personally have no issues with weed, but we're not the NFL. And even if he's not smoking weed, it looks like he might be, and the old crusty guys are definitely going to be ordered up a random drug test on Sammy. He was dumb to bring that attention on himself.

    The guy's been busted for weed before. This brings attention to him, and possibly a drug test from the NFL to make SURE it's not weed. That's why we should give a ****. On the chance that smoked a little weed lately, this hookah post could trigger some testing events that could result in discipline.

    Actually, given that Sammy was busted for weed in college, he probably isn't in the drug testing program. If you don't test positive for 90 days after entering you are removed from the program and go back to being tested once a year for recreational drugs. If Sammy has already been tested this year he could smoke weed with impunity and the NFL couldn't do anything unless he was arrested for it. Even then it takes four positive tests to get suspended under the new rules.


    Pegula should do no such thing. These women were contracted to perform a service at an agreed upon price. It had nothing to do with Pegula.


    The Jills are gone--few, if any, noticed. Move along....

    A price that just so happens to be under the legal amount they are allowed to pay them. Pegula purchased the Bills, and in doing so purchased all their liabilities as well. If/when the Bills lose/settle this lawsuit Pegula will have to pay.



    I had to read this article like 3 times before I realized this writer changed key words to words with same meaning, or as close as he/she could get ...ie: spherical 6 = round 6, Matt Cassel (castle) = Matt Citadel and referring to the Bills as Payments as if the word Bills meant a monetary bill....have fun reading this article while you try to figure out what the heck it says..lol


    I didn't understand that choice either...why let him choose the team to sign with if he's totally exonerated from the double homicide?? ...worst case you lose your 7th round pick, best case is you have a top 20 player picked with a low costing 7th rd pick...now if he's exonerated the teams in need for an OT will all be fighting for him

    If you draft a player and they don't sign they can enter the draft again next year. If a player goes undrafted they cannot enter the draft again. The worry probably was that La'el Collins would have used being drafted that late as a way to get back into the draft. Might as well use a pick on a guy you know 100% will sign a contract.

  7. Can you show a link to even one seven figure settlement for "not strapping someone down"? Do these transport vans go 340 miles per hour necessitating strap down to avoid broken necks?


    How long before someone files a law suit for being "strapped down"?


    Why was the other detainee in the van uninjured during the same drive?


    In case you're wondering I agree that they should have put this kid in his seat belt. I also agree that if the information in the press is accurate, they should have gotten him medical attention. In fact, if the information in the press is accurate, I wonder why he was arrested in the first place. In cases like this, the information in the press has rarely proven to be accurate.


    Your statement that the police were trying to hurt him seems completely baseless and ridiculous on its surface. Care to explain it further?



    Critics argue that the reason a prisoner would be left unbuckled is not to protect officers but to dole out extrajudicial treatment. Baltimore juries have on occasion agreed. In 2004, a man named Jeffrey Alston won $39 million from Baltimore after he was paralyzed from the neck down during a police-van ride. The following year, Dondi Johnson Sr. won $7.4 million after a ride left him a paraplegic. In 2013, Johns Hopkins librarian Christine Abbott filed a suit against the department for a "rough ride" after a 2012 arrest that resulted from a noise complaint. Her lawyer alleges she was not buckled and an officer drove "maniacally" as she was taken in, throwing her around the unpadded van.


    So Baltimore has paid a total of $46.4 million because of this practice. There is very clearly a pattern of this behavior. Perhaps you should do more research into the topic?



  8. No excuse for rioting, but perhaps the Baltimore PD should stop trying to injure people by not strapping them down in transport vans? You would figure paying out seven figure settlements to victims of this practice would have made it stop, but I guess some cops will have to go to jail for that to happen. They don't get the benefit of the doubt when BPD keeps doing it over and over.

  9. How many millions can Baltimore payout for injuring people in police vans before they do something about it? There is very clearly a culture of trying to injure detainees by not strapping them down:




    Critics argue that the reason a prisoner would be left unbuckled is not to protect officers but to dole out extrajudicial treatment. Baltimore juries have on occasion agreed. In 2004, a man named Jeffrey Alston won $39 million from Baltimore after he was paralyzed from the neck down during a police-van ride. The following year, Dondi Johnson Sr. won $7.4 million after a ride left him a paraplegic. In 2013, Johns Hopkins librarian Christine Abbott filed a suit against the department for a "rough ride" after a 2012 arrest that resulted from a noise complaint.




    I wonder if they break the $100 million mark someone might care.

  10. No GM is pulling the trigger on La'el Collins in the 1st round when he is being questioned in the murder of a woman who may have been carrying his baby. Even if he is not a suspect, that does not mean he can't become one later. The fact that police want to question him, certainly does not help his cause.


    Unless police come out and say he has no connection what so ever to the murder investigation by tomorrow, there is no chance what so ever of him going in the 1st round. If there is no updated news on his status come Friday, his name will not be called on Friday either.

    The police will question the BF/GF/Husband/Wife 100% of the time in a murder investigation. The fact that he's being questioned is rather meaningless.

  11. Schefter agrees


    @AdamSchefter: Dion Jordan now stands as a cautionary tale for teams considering Randy Gregory and Shane Ray.

    What does this have to do with Gregory and Ray? Jordan is being suspended for PEDs, while marijuana requires four positive tests before a player is even suspended (and then it's only 4 games). Completely different rules and situations.


    You know I thought this took place during the lifetime of Charlemagne. I guess not. He'd have !@#$ed any Viking invasion up. His grandfather Charles Martel was pretty wicked as well. What happened to the French? :lol:

    Civil war caused by the practice of dividing up land within the Kingdom between the King's sons. At the time of the show, the Carolingian Empire would have just recently split into three different Kingdoms. I believe the show takes place two years after the split.

  13. is it that they don't want to pay as much, or they can't? Honest question... SUNY school and $

    Major college programs bring in tons of cash for their schools. Paying their basketball coaches is not a problem for many other state schools. In fact, the highest paid employee of most states is a sports coach. UB has $600+ million sitting in the bank accruing interest. UB has money they just don't want to spend it, and would rather their endowment grow larger.

    Fixed. Also don't comment on UB's commitment if you don't know anything about the program or what they have to deal with.

    And Hurley had no head coaching experience at all. This is a continuity move. Something to put the players at ease.

    UB has no commitment to building winning sports programs. They easily have the money to pay Hurley, but it's clearly not a priority for the administration. UB letting successful coaches leave is basically a tradition at this point.... but hey, as long as that endowment keeps growing everything is just peachy for the administration. Good news... it's up to $864 million.

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