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Posts posted by Fingon

  1. Folks.....we were almost dead last on BOTH sides of the ball....not just defense.


    I dont know how our team did as well as they did last year....smoke and mirrors.


    I think we really need to turn our attention to offense in the draft now.....we used the offseason to address the defense.


    We got 2 new D Linemen

    1 Super Bowl LB

    1 experienced corner in james


    We need offensive weapons now.....

  2. I just got back from a weekend at Stowe Vermont. Hippie girls are fine! Especially hippie girls that ski! :lol:

    Do you not see the parallels? Both involve a bunch of hippies congregating, smoking tons of weed, having drum circles, playing music, both take place in Colorado, "little Eichmanns" is from a professor at CU, and both talk about solving problems but do nothing.



    The South Park episode is from 2005.




    Almost forgot that the Hippies are College students in the episode (CU)

  3. And what is reasonable? Since he is viewed as a premier receiver by those around the league, a reasonable deal would be him being paid as a premier WR wouldn't it?

    Agreed. We have the money for a huge signing bonus... best to get it done this year while we have all this extra money.

  4. Interesting though only 2 teams that have won the superbowl since 2000 have finished with a top 10 passing offense. Could it be do to modern day defenses, just being faster. The lack of real franchise quarterbacks. Or just more important then anything you need balance. Using your same measurables. These same teams finished in the following in rushing offense. I still say rushing offense is far more important, then passing yards.





    1989: 49ers- 10th


    1990: Giants- 4th


    1991: Redskins- 7th


    1992: Cowboys- 5th


    1993: Cowboys- 2nd


    1994: Niners- 6th


    1995: Cowboys- 2nd


    1996: Packers- 11th


    1997: Broncos- 4th


    1998: Broncos- 2nd


    1999: Rams- 5th


    2000: Ravens- 5th


    2001: Pats- 13th


    2002: Bucs- 27th


    2003: Pats- 24th


    2004: Pats- 7th


    2005: Steelers- 5th


    2006: Colts- 18th


    2007: Giants- 7th



    Note:14 of the 19 teams finished in top 10 in rush offense. Only 3 of these teams finished lower then 15th. 2 others just outside the top 10. Also No one will ever mistake the Bucs/Ravens as winning relating anything to do with their offensive statistics. If I had time I'd actually be more interested in looking up post season team statistics, to see where teams that won favor heavily. In Rush offense, or pass offense. I'd assume rush offense would stick out like a sore thumb. Also interesting imo to note. That of all the 42 superbowls. I believe only the 2006 colts, hold the distinction of being the only team in NFL history to win the superbowl with the leagues worst rush defense.


    Having a passing game is nice. It sells tickets. It sure looks pretty. It sure helps your running game. So teams don't consistently stack the line. It's way more "exciting" then grind it out, down and dirty in the trenches football. At the end of the day though. Balance is key. With a huge bias towards rush offense, and the truth that Defense wins championships.

    In the vast majority of cases you need a good passing game to have a good running game. You also need a good passing game to score points, case in point the Titans last year. They had a very good running game but no passing game so their offense was terrible.

  5. 1989: 49ers, ranked # 2

    1990: Giants, ranked # 22

    1991: Redskins, ranked # 5

    1992: Cowboys, ranked # 5

    1993: Cowboys, ranked # 7

    1994: 49ers, ranked # 4

    1995: Cowboys, ranked # 13

    1996: Packers, Ranked # 5

    1997: Broncos, ranked # 9

    1998: Broncos ranked # 7

    1999: Rams, ranked # 1

    2000: Ravens, ranked # 22

    2001: Pats, ranked # 22

    2002: Bucs, ranked # 15

    2003: Pats, ranked # 9

    2004: Pats, ranked # 11

    2005: Steelers, ranked # 24

    2006: Colts, ranked # 2

    2007: Giants, ranked # 21


    11 out of 19 are in the top 10 for passing yards, 14 out of 19 are in the top half of the league in passing yards. None are ranked below 24th. The Bills are 30th. In the words of some,you are a "fantasy football" GM if you draft offense. This clearly proves that in order to win the super bowl you have to have at least a decent passing game, and in most cases a very good one. So maybe the people bitching about how the Bills will become the Lions, if they draft a WR will shut the hell up now?

  6. While we are on the topic of ranking WRs, when is someone going to mention the giant turd Moss laid during the playoffs?


    In three playoff games, he managed a total of 7 receptions for 94 yards.


    In the playoffs, the 6' 4" Moss delivered at a 5' 7" level.

    Teams focused on taking him away, while letting other people beat them. (sounds familiar)

  7. AKC, please stop wasting your time arguing with people who don't really understand that a dominating interior defense is a virtual must-have to win regularly in the NFL.


    Let them fantasize over WRs and RBs... there's a reason why they drink the kool-aid year after year. These are the same people who have predicted an 11-5 record for the past 5 years.


    It's a beautiful day out here in Cali... go out and enjoy it. I would be, were it not for these damn taxes <_<

    Why would anyone ever draft anything but D-line? Oh wait, you have to score points. Guess where points come from? The passing game.

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