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Stevie Ray

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Posts posted by Stevie Ray

  1. Our new logo will be the same Buffalo, but only with Donald's hair. Maybe someone

    creative can whip up a little sneak peek.

    Btw, can you imagine The Donald's hair on the Buffalo sideline in December,

    it will look like a freakin cotton candy machine down there.

    The "Trump-do" could replace the Buffalo wing heads at the games. Just for that alone he should be the owner!

  2. Shades of Donahoe and his PR tactics re the Mike Williams pick over McKinnie. Instead of spending time trying to pacify the masses, how about getting a REAL QB coach to work with him. His footwork and his accuracy ARE NOT IMPROVING and THAT should be the measure when looking at whether patience is warranted or not.

  3. Don't know if any of you remember, back before the days when print media was a bit more relevent, Chris Brown was (I believe) the editor of Shout Magazine...his column was the best thing about it back then. He was more objective. Lets be honest, who can blame a guy for trying to make a living...mix in the fact that he gets to work for his favorite pro-sports team, as "glorified PR guy"...how many wouldn't jump at that chance?

    Good call! And I agree, I loved his columns, especially before the draft and FA periods, as it offered some pretty good analysis of potential Bills drafts/pickups. Wow that was a long time ago!
  4. It could be his third cousin twice removed that hasn't spoken to him in years. Or totally made up and people poorly sourcing each others twitter posts. It's not like Byrd rolled into camp with a "can I get a trade" Tshirt, or a dolphins cap

    Sure. on the other hand, it could be his agent who, as his representative, is dropping these hints as an unnamed source, to get the point across to Bills mgmt. that although he's signed his tender, its not all peachy keen. We can speculate one way or the other, but my gut feeling is that after this prolonged standoff, Byrd certainly feels he should be paid as the top safety and is not letting this issue die completely.


    Not accusing Rapoport as such, as he seems fairly legit on Twitter, but there are reporters in this field who gin up stories all the time -- with all due respect to the good guys. And there are agents and players and even scouts and reps from other teams that feed these guys info. A quick read of Jon Morosi in baseball is a pretty good indicator of how some of these guys operate. Rumors generate page views, which generates traffic which helps revenue and establishes interest in the reporter.


    Or, think about it another way (one which casts Rapoport purely as messenger). What if team X wants Byrd in trade? What if Team X lets slip to Rapoport that they (in truth) had trade conversations regarding Byrd. What if the Bills told Team X to buzz off? What if that team then feeds a guy like Rapoport info that Byrd really wants out, in hopes of increasing public pressure on the Bills to deal?

    Absolutely. anything is possible. Just disappointing that now that he's finally signed, you still have to hear crap about his not being happy. Whether its made up, speculated, leaked or stated by the man himself, its annoying that the issue still lingers to a certain degree.

  5. Wouldn't the development be that he refused trade under any circumstance? That an unnamed source says he might be open to a trade with the right conditions is hardly earth breaking or unexpected. I'd guess we have about 80 guys that'd say the same behind closed doors.

    Don't disagree, however for this to be "leaked" not even 24 hours after signing is certainly tasteless to say the least. I mean, you signed now and you're not happy. we get it. Just get to business now and let the rest play out behind those closed doors.
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