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  1. not up to the bills management, it is up to the NFL rules i remember reading somewhere they tried to get the NFL to allow the wearing of throwbacks more often, but they wouldnt go for it
  2. i didnt read the entire thread, so maybe this was pointed out in between, sorry if it was but do you remember where Mularkey was before the Bills? let me refresh your memory he was a OC with the Steelers, a team that had arguably one of the better lines in the league and their offense was abysmal, and as soon as Cower got rid of him, they had an offense that was a contender... coincidence? i think not MM is garbage... always will be, granted things in miami, talent wise are pretty bad as you pointed out, but even if they had the best line in the league they woudl still be inept offensively, everywhere mularkey goes is the case, how he ever became heralded as a great OC is beyond me
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