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Posts posted by fakeeyed

  1. 3 step drop! if only they'd listen to what us fans had seen for weeks. quick routes... i cant even believe our TE's are catching the ball. i would have killed to watch the game, hopefully the SD game will sell out after 2 big wins in a row. i'd go, but ive got family stuff to attend to.

  2. I'm not saying they don't have talent, just not much at the moment. Most of their talent is all ex WWE wrestlers (i.e. Angle, Christian, Rhino, Billy Gunn)



    from that quote its obvious that you aren't seeing the real talent in tna. i'll give you angle making a huge difference... but their best wrestlers are no names. their x division is amazing to watch (styles, daniels, saban, senshi, jay lethal, sonjay dutt). somoa joe is a monster and probably the best american professional wrestler (close competition with angle) right now. they do push guys everyone knows, but its just to get people to watch their product. not many casual fans wanna would turn in to watch a bunch of no names kick the crap out of each other... but if they tune for people they know and see these young guys ripping it up, fans are born.


    as for gimmicky? i don't think so. the six sided ring is an obvious attempt to set themselves apart from the wwe, but not any more than anything else in the wrestling business. i respect the hell out of tna, but changes need to be made before they get any respect in the wrestling business.

  3. The sun was out of control in that end for most of the game, so I will give J.P. a partial pass on that one. He was under a lot of pressue today, so one tunrover looks promising. At least he got over his case of the fumbles.



    i almost felt bad for the texas returners on that end in the first quarter. just looked horrid.

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